Télécharger Firefox Addons

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thibault    (2009-11-30)


Télécharger Firefox Addons

Plus de 5000 add-ons pour Mozilla Firefox sont disponibles gratuitement sur le site de Mozilla, pour rendre Firefox encore plus performant et vous permettre d'effectuer des actions auxquelles vous n'avez probablement même pas songé auparavant !

Les add-ons sont répartis dans différentes catégories :

Alertes et mises à jour (739), Apparence (859), Barre d'outils (976), Développement Web (958), Flux, nouvelles et blogs (818), Gestion des téléchargements (440), Marque-pages (834), Onglets (344), Outils linguistiques (406), Photos, musique et vidéos (711), Plugins (7), Social et communication (1066), Sécurité et vie privée (564) et de nombreux autres...

Parmi les plus populaires :

FlashGot, Greasemonkey, Facebook Dislike, Stylish, AddThis, Video DownloadHelper, Facebook Dislike Button, Illimitux, Adblock Plus et Total Validator.

Cela vaut vraiment la peine de visiter un peu le répertoire proposé, bonne recherche !

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*puzure    (2010-05-17 20:33:19)
Télécharger Firefox Addons

Impressionnant, il y en a tellement qu'on ne peut pas tout regarder.

Voir aussi

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 Mozilla.org - Home of the Mozilla Project

 DownloadHelper - Media download Firefox extension
downloadhelper > install.php

 FlashGot - Best Firefox Download Manager Integration - what is it? - InformAction

has been honored in the May 2006 issue of PC World, the most...
? Are you afraid of losing them in the middle of download if you get...

 Download the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin - Port 25: The Open Source Community at Microsoft
port25.technet > pages/windows media player firefox plugin download.aspx

Click the Install button to automatically download and install the...
Depending on your security settings, you may see a Security Warning...

 Firefox Add-ons To Allow Easy Download Music and Video From Video Sharing Websites » My Digital Life
mydigitallife > 2009/04/25/firefox add ons to allow easy download music and vide

Firefox Add-ons To Allow Easy Download Music and Video From Video...
Download Flash Videos from YouTube, Google Video, and Most Other...

 Téléchargement plugins firefox
commentcamarche > forum/affich 3747863 telechargement plugins firefox

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Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à télécharger les plugins de...


DownThemAll is all you can desire from a download manager: it...
and much more: you can refine your downloads by fully customizable...

 mozdev.org - downloadstatusbar: index

Delete a file from your system from the context...

 Firefox Add-ons & Plugins - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com
download.cnet > windows/firefox add ons and plugins

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 Better Gmail 2 Firefox Extension for New Gmail - Better Gmail - Lifehacker
lifehacker > 320618/better gmail 2 firefox extension for new gmail

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Can you include a script that does Insert-Your-Dream-Gmail-Feature...

 Firefox Accessibility Extension Documentation: Overview and Installation

 Download * Collections
quickonlinetips > archives/2009/06/firefox addons collections

 Firefox addon | WOT Web of Trust
mywot > en/download/ff

WOT provides interesting features that allow worldwide users to rate...
Community-powered tools that boost trust on the...

 SEO for Firefox Extension: Free SEO Toolbar Firefox Browser Plugin
tools.seobook > firefox/seo for firefox

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 MeasureIt - Firefox ruler extension for web developers
kevinfreitas > extensions/measureit

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 Fast Video Download - Download
fast video download.en.softonic

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Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to...


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