Turbo Texas Holdem

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*vineda    (2011-01-16)
Turbo Texas Holdem

Turbo Texas holdem is a poker simulation program by «Wilson Software». For now version 6 is available for purchase, and it cost is about 60$ for itself and 15$ for add-on feature «Sidewinder Sid». This add-on is an advisor, which you can consult in hard or variable situation. This allows you to play without influence from the advisor and still know whether or not you made a good play. It’s a great addition, if you want to improve your poker strategy. But it’s also has a serious problem – Sid doesn’t give enough explanation for his recommendations!
Another new feature in Turbo Texas holdem 6 version is awareness contest. It is a number of tests of your ability of reading your opponents. It’s great, because passing all of them will greatly improve your skills. But it also has one problem – there’re only 3 kinds of tests – easy, moderate and tough, and they are not perfectly balanced.
Because Texas holdem is currently the most popular kind of poker and Turbo Texas Hold’em is the best by Wilson Software, it’s a great simulator with strong AI, useful advisor features, interesting awareness contest, pretty graphics and fine sounds.
This program will be a huge help for the non-professional player and is one of the best on the market.


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