Super Michael Jackson Bros game

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thibault    (2009-08-04)


Super Michael Jackson Bros game

This is the game of the month, "Super Michael Jackson Bros". The king of pop in a perpetual moonwalk, quite funny

Source : Youtube


C'est le jeu du mois, bien évidemment après la mort du roi de la pop, le Super Michael Jackson Bros est promis à faire un joli buzz sur le net, comme en témoigne cette vidéo sur Youtube.

Moonwalker forever.

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*04af2a    (2009-09-16 22:41:21)
hate it

you just copy

*3d21e1    (2009-12-11 21:31:26)
Il y a 15 ans

dis sux

*wwe_rules    (2009-12-17 07:13:18)
Il y a 15 ans

How do you play this

*0a628f    (2009-12-28 01:44:21)
Il y a 15 ans

ae é super legal eu quero baixar mais não sei como....

*f95ae4    (2010-01-13 22:51:04)
Il y a 15 ans

*fan_mj    (2010-01-19 10:03:46)
Super Michael Jackson Bros game

super mega ultra tare MJ PE VECIE

*raphael    (2010-01-30 20:52:02)
Il y a 15 ans

vai tomar nu cu q porra e akela de macetes doidao!

*96472e    (2010-02-05 19:41:35)
Il y a 15 ans

unde pot sa gasesc si io jocul

*63da42    (2010-03-30 13:52:16)
Il y a 14 ans

Ouais ***** il est mort et vs vous faiser sa pfff

*tupuli    (2010-04-04 00:44:40)
Il y a 14 ans

i love the super micheal jackson bros game i like super micheal jackson bros game better than the super mario bros game

*babuca    (2010-04-14 18:56:53)
Super Michael Jackson Bros game


*zibozi    (2010-04-17 22:25:08)
Il y a 14 ans

it is not nice to do this

*revafu    (2010-05-30 12:58:37)
Il y a 14 ans

Can we play it or is it a movie only?

*moritu    (2010-05-31 06:30:05)
Il y a 14 ans

i hate michael jackson his dead now every one get off your computer NOW!!!

*fucigu    (2010-06-04 20:51:41)
Il y a 14 ans

how do you play it man

*guboja    (2010-06-11 04:34:04)
Super Michael Jackson Bros game

let me play the game :3

*kaxaxe    (2010-06-25 12:12:42)
Il y a 14 ans

How do u play dis game

*ximoga    (2010-06-30 10:57:45)
Il y a 14 ans

:)) that's a funny game

*suxodi    (2010-07-09 19:59:12)
Il y a 14 ans

isso é montagem mano mas é bom

*carlos    (2010-07-12 06:28:35)
Il y a 14 ans

i want to play this game

*juzozu    (2010-07-14 15:22:10)
Super Michael Jackson Bros game

i love the  ao vio i can do that and the moonwalk and i love micahel jacson but bad he died no one must lagh about it or i will tell the police

*tiroci    (2010-07-23 21:38:51)
Il y a 14 ans

Why cant i play it? too wierd...

*gosobi    (2010-09-26 16:19:01)
Cel Mai Mare Fan MJJ Din Lume

Este  fain jocul! EU IL AM PE ALA "MICHAEL JACKSON MOONWALK! lAM cumparat si gata! pe asta nu stiu cum naibii sal iau!!! firar! mjj rest in peace!

*baxide    (2011-02-04 12:34:09)
Il y a 14 ans

you need account hate it :(

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