Star Academy around the world

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moderator    (2008-01-13)


Star Academy around the world

Lindiwe Alam (Zambia), Mohamed Attia, Joseph Attieh, Hisham Abdulrahman, Shada Hassoun (Arab world), Benjamín Rosales, José García (Argentina), Katerine Agvoustakis, Mélanie Martin's (Belgium), Fabio Souza, Tiago Silva, Marcus Vinícius, Vanessa Jackson (Brazil), Marin Yonchev (Bulgaria), Marc-André Fortin, Stéphanie Lapointe, Wilfred Le Bouthillie (Canada), Mónica Rodríguez (Chile), Valerie Kimani (East Africa), Leonidas Balafas, Periklis Stergianoudis, Kalomoira Saranti, Notis Stafianakis (Greece), Ruprekha Banerjee (India), Bruno Cuomo (Italy), Hagar Adnane (Maghreb), Darina Márquez (Mexico), Sita Vermeulen (Netherlands), Yeng Constantino (Philippines), Sofia Vitória, Sofia Barbosa, Mané Crestejo (Portugal), Anastacia Prihodko, Dmitry Koldun, Victoria Dayneko, Irina Dubtsova, Nikita Malinin, Polina Gagarina, Pasha Artemyev (Russia), Rosa López, Ainhoa Cantalapiedra, Vicente Seguí, Sergio Rivero, Lorena Gómez (Spain), Barış Akarsu (Turkey), David Sneddon, Alex Parks (UK)...

Yes, just like Jenifer Bartoli, Elodie Frégé & Gregory Lemarchal in France, they all won Star Academy, the famous pop music talent contest now produced by Endémol all over the world. Well, however the level seems not to be exactly the same in every countries.


Lindiwe Alam (Zambia), Shada Hassoun, Mohamed Attia, Joseph Attieh, Hisham Abdulrahman (Arab world), Benjamín Rosales, José García (Argentina), Katerine Agvoustakis, Mélanie Martin's (Belgium), Fabio Souza, Tiago Silva, Marcus Vinícius, Vanessa Jackson (Brazil), Marin Yonchev (Bulgaria), Marc-André Fortin, Stéphanie Lapointe, Wilfred Le Bouthillie (Canada), Valerie Kimani (East Africa), Mónica Rodríguez (Chile), Leonidas Balafas, Periklis Stergianoudis, Kalomoira Saranti, Notis Stafianakis (Greece), Ruprekha Banerjee (India), Darina Márquez (Mexico), Bruno Cuomo (Italy), Hagar Adnane (Maghreb), Sita Vermeulen (Netherlands), Yeng Constantino (Philippines), Sofia Vitória, Sofia Barbosa, Mané Crestejo (Portugal), Anastacia Prihodko, Dmitry Koldun, Nikita Malinin, Polina Gagarina, Victoria Dayneko, Irina Dubtsova, Pasha Artemyev (Russia), Rosa López, Ainhoa Cantalapiedra, Vicente Seguí, Sergio Rivero, Lorena Gómez (Spain), Barış Akarsu (Turkey), Alex Parks, David Sneddon (UK)...

Eh oui, tout comme Jenifer Bartoli, Elodie Frégé et Grégory Lemarchal, ils ont tous remporté Star Academy, le fameux télé-crochet produit par Endémol et diffusé aujourd'hui un peu partout dans le monde. Bon, cela dit le niveau des candidats ne semble pas être le même partout.

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*kenizu    (2010-05-18 19:18:01)
Star Academy around the world

Is lindiwe an alam or bongani?

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