Should I tell him my true feelings?

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*xatabu    (2010-06-17)
Should I tell him my true feelings?

Hello everyone. My problem is I think I'm in love with a man but I'm not sure if I must tell him my feelings or not... What would you do?  Thanks for your help.

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*vipose    (2010-07-01 13:13:41)
Should I tell him my true feelings?

Why wouldn't you tell him?  That would be just stupid... why are you hesitating exactly?

*camoku    (2010-07-01 15:52:16)
14 years ago

You must tell him, otherwise a great love story may not happen :)

*cutepu    (2011-12-06 18:46:14)
13 years ago

This depends on MANY things Does he come from a good family? Does he have morals? Does he treat people right? Is he nice or a plain asshole? How old are you? Should you be dating? Are you allowed dating?  if your young and you parents are ok with it then fine but if your an adult then it's  your choice ..ask yourself these q.s mentally and most importantly why do you like him is he special if so why is he worth it will you relation ship guessing your an adult cause you said man Tell him if you lovve him


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