Servers to play chess online
FICGS - www.ficgs.com - is now one of the most known correspondence chess place online (like ICCF or IECG), but it is also possible to play blitz (5 0, meaning time control 5 minutes + 0 seconds increment), lightning (2 0) & bullet games (1 0) on various internet chess servers like chessanytime, gameknot, chesshere and many others... What about you? Where do you play chess online? *pidoxu (2013-05-23 06:11:07) Servers to play chess online when i have the time, www.chess.com claudine75 (2015-12-08 10:53:20) 9 years ago Bonne continuation et au plaisir de vous lire encore une fois ; sûrement je reviendrai ! voyance par mail See also ficgs More websites You must register to see these links, as this is a collaborative page, then you may change the order of the links by clicking the icons before the titles. admin Other websites The following links might be less relevant, please change their ranks if you find them useful. chesshere.com chesshere > &sa=U&ei=cve0UYO6IoyL4gT5h4CoCA&ved=0CEYQFjA Play Online Chess at Caissa's Web caissa > &sa=U&ei=cve0UYO6IoyL4gT5h4CoCA&ved=0CCkQFjAC&a Use Non-Java if your system doesn't support Java or you only want to... Sorry, something went wrong. chessfriends > &sa=U&ei=cve0UYO6IoyL4gT5h4CoCA&ved=0CDkQ Missing Page?! - Chess.com chess > &sa=U&ei=cve0UYO6IoyL4gT5h4CoCA&ved=0CFEQFjAM&am Chess Mail : Play correspondence Game online chess mail > &sa=U&ei=cve0UYO6IoyL4gT5h4CoCA&ved=0CGEQFj Correspondence chess is chess played by some sort of long-distance... Play Live Chess Online - Chess.com chess > livechess Online Turn-Based Correspondence Chess - Chess.com chess > echess There's no trackback at the moment.
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