Send Happy New Year Greetings

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merrychen    (2012-12-31)
Send Happy New Year Greetings

The celebration of the new year has one of the most glorious ancient civilizations created by man. While sending greetings to wish loved ones a Happy New Year is one of the more modern ways to ring in the new year. There has long been a tradition among people that the celebration of a new year has been marked by different dates due to differences in culture, local customs or religious convictions. For the last four hundred years, the world has celebrated the New Year on January 1, so it's critical to ensure that to send your greeting cards by then.

Auld Lang Syne

It's a traditional custom to sing "Auld Lang Syne" that is a traditional New Year song of friendship on New Year's Eve. At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, people cheer and sing "Auld Lang Syne" which is a favorite Scottish song in most English-speaking countries. A holiday card has the feature of the lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne" will get your loved ones in the mood to celebrate the New Year. Or better yet, to use some other methods entirely, such as having a card that plays the tune upon opening will inspire "Auld Lang Syne" sing-alongs well into the New Year.

Cultural Celebrations

The good news is that it does not have to be tedious work, and that there are ways in which you can send a holiday card filled with fun facts about various cultural New Year traditions and make it more interesting. For example, the local residents eat 12 grapes, one for each chime at midnight to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new in Spain. While children in Greece leave their shoes by the fire, in doing this they hope that Saint Basil will fill them with gifts. Such traditional customs are found everywhere. And sending a card full of amusing cultural anecdotes like these may inspire your loved ones to adopt some new traditions themselves.


You can also take into account making and sending a digital e-card to your friends and family members. Websites like xflip site offer the 30-days free trial digital magazine software to help you to make versatile and free e-cards that celebrate this special holiday. Better yet, there is a wide variety of e-card customizing features for your choice. These may include an e-card featuring a New Year song, embedding video animation or simply an inspirational message or appreciated texts to your loved ones to celebrate the start of a new year.


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