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*052e88    (2009-03-19)

Bonjour, dans un email de spam probablement j'ai trouvé le mot "anti-procrastination", quelqu'un sait de quoi il s'agit exactement ?


Je vais vous faire une offre plus qu'intéressante :

Le programme "Les Secrets de Ceux qui ont plus de temps que les autres"
regardez la vidéo de présentation ici :

Cette offre est confidentielle, elle vous est vraiment proposée à titre exceptionnelle et ne va pas durer très longtemps .. alors ...

Le programme "Les Secrets de Ceux qui ont Plus de Temps que les Autres" comprend:

    * Un livre électronique de 50 pages
    * Un CD virtuel: l'interview d'un Maître du Temps d'une heure.
    * 3 autres CD virtuels à écouter dans votre voiture, sur votre ipod, dans votre lecteur de MP3
    * Un logiciel de gestion de tâches pour PC et Mac.

Et vous recevrez de surcroît en CADEAU GRATUIT ET DEFINITIF "Faites-le MAINTENANT", le programme anti-procrastination de Christian Godefroy.

Imaginez ce que va vous rapporter en efficience et en productivité ce programme.

Dès sa mise en oeuvre, il vous rapportera bien plus que son prix.
Alors recevoir ce programme est vraiment une bonne affaire ....

Votre lien d'accès confidentiel pour cette offre :

  Bien amicalement,

P.S. Cliquez MAINTENANT. Ne remettez pas à plus tard... C'est peut-être le geste le plus important que vous puissiez faire pour votre futur !


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 Structured Procrastination
  1. ...observant reader may feel at this point that structured
  2. ...most perfect situation for structured procrastination that I ever
 Procrastination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki

This page was last modified on 28 September 2010 at...

 Procrastination - Study Skills Library - Cal Poly
sas.calpoly > asc/ssl often truly difficult to eradicate since the delay behavior has... reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative...

 Psychology Today: Procrastination: Ten Things To Know
psychologytoday > articles/index.php?term=pto 2711

 Overcoming Procrastination, Counseling Services Website - University at Buffalo
ub counseling.buffalo > stressprocrast.shtml

Copyright - Counseling Services, State University of New York at...
Mental Health Awareness Campaign Contest Raising awareness about...

 Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Wellness, Family & Relationship Issues, Sexual Disorders & ADHD Medications
mentalhelp > poc/view doc.php?type=doc&id=9770&cn=353

 Procrastination - Time Management Training
mindtools > pages/article/newHTE 96.htm

Career Excellence with a Mind...
Let us know about anything wrong, or anything you don't...

 Cambridge University Counselling Service: Self-help leaflets: Procrastination > procras

zackvision > weblog

The Undercover Economist: Exposing Why the Rich Are Rich, the Poor...
What Should I Do About My Virtual Life After Death?...
The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack...

 Procrastination Help | overcoming procrastination

...from anxiety, relationship issues, emotional overeating, compulsive...
...ou know how time management gurus recommend coming up with a to-do...
I have quite a lot of free time to do anything I want, but I am...

 Home Page

 Slate's special issue on procrastination. - - Slate Magazine
slate > id/2190909

Do Newspapers in Muslim Countries Print Political Cartoons? Are They...
Introducing WikiLeaked, FP's New Blog on the State Department...
How Conservatives Are Using Tennis—Yes, Tennis—To Argue Against...

 Counselling Service | The Perfect Procrastinator > counselling centre/brochures

Click on your browsers 'back' button and notify the owner of the...

 Procrastination Central - Procrastinus
webapps2.ucalgary > ~steel/Procrastinus/index.php

 Psychology Today: Self Tests
psychologytoday.psychtests > tests

 Procrastination Test

 Controlling Procrastination - Fastfacts - Learning Services - Assistance - University of Guelph Library
lib.uoguelph > assistance/learning services/fastfacts/controlling

Debug Output Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information...
The following information is meant for the website...

 Stop Procrastinating - How to Get Things Done -
goodhousekeeping > health/emotional

= maxpos-jsnav_numdisplayed) {newpos = maxpos-jsnav_numdisplayed}...
...all learned in grade school, procrastination is the thief of time...
...five-year study of procrastination (that took 10 years, so who are...

 Procrastination hack: '(10+2)*5' | 43 Folders
43folders > 2005/10/11

Video: John Roderick on String Art Owls, Copper Pipe, and...
“Distraction,” Simplicity, and Running Toward... Procrastination: Why You Do It, What To Do About It: Jane B. Burka, Lenora M. Yuen: Books

Making Kindle Pay For Itself: Part II, Cheapskates List for...
Find Your Focus Zone: An Effective New Plan to Defeat Distraction and...

 Avoiding Procrastination
studygs > attmot3.htm

...tination related to a project? or is it a...
...ou will deny yourself until you arrive at each...
develop a new habit of working, build a good work environment, and...

k state > counseling/topics/career/procras

...ur life tends to be most affected by procrastination?...
...erstand (1) when and where procrastination is a problem,...

 Counseling Center - Overcoming Procrastination
twu > O SL/counseling/SelfHelp044

 Tips to Help You Overcome Procrastination - Don't Let Procrastination Ruin Your Career
careerplanning.about > od/timemanagement/a/procrastinate.htm

Delegating - Small Business Success Program - How To...
List the things you've been putting off from most to least...

 Overcoming Procrastination - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
en.wikibooks > wiki/Overcoming

This page was last modified on 6 October 2010, at...

 the show with zefrank
zefrank > theshow/archives/2007/02/020707

 Why people procrastinate | Motivating minds | The Economist
economist > science/displaystory.cfm?story id=12971028

 Academics invent a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate - Telegraph
telegraph > scienceandtechnology/science/sciencenews/3660232/Academics invent a

 Counseling Center » Overcoming Procrastination
counselingcenter.illinois > ?page id=111

...urmounted the emotional block by acknowledging your procrastination...
A Student’s Guide to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder...
...alize yourself in one or more of these vignettes, you may be ready...

 Study Skills Procrastination
accd > sac/history/keller/ACCDitg/sspc.htm

 Dead Simple Guide to Beating Procrastination | Zen Habits
zenhabits > 2009/03/dead simple guide to beating

 Daily Reveille - Common Cents: Procrastination is the natural response to bullying
lsureveille > opinion/common cents

Murda, He Wrote: StumbleUpon may save America from decline to...
Football: LSU given one-year probation, NCAA accepts self-imposed...


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