PHP htmlspecialchars()

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thibault    (2009-04-09)


PHP htmlspecialchars()

string htmlspecialchars (string $string [, int $quote_style [, string $charset  [, bool $double_encode]]])

Many HTML character entities must be written in a certain way. This function converts some of these characters. To translate every HTML character entities you may use the htmlentities() function.

This function is particularly useful to avoid that users can post HTML markup in a forum, in this case one it is recommended to use a BBcode-like function that can allow users to type in example [i] instead of <i>.

By using the htmlspecialchars() function

    '&' (ampersand) will become '&amp;'
    '"' (double quote) will become '&quot;' if ENT_NOQUOTES is not set.
    ''' (single quote) will become '&#039;' if ENT_QUOTES is set.
    '<' will become '&lt;'
    '>' will become '&gt;'

The quote_style argument (optional) tells the function what to do with the single and double quote characters. By default the mode is ENT_COMPAT, it only translates the double-quote character, the single-quote remains untranslated. If ENT_QUOTES is set, both single and double quotes are translated, if ENT_NOQUOTES is set neither single nor double quotes are translated.

The charset argument (optional) defines the character set used in conversion. By default the character set is ISO-8859-1 but you may also use these character sets, supported in PHP 4.3.0 and later.

ISO-8859-1  ISO8859-1  Western European, Latin-1
ISO-8859-15 ISO8859-15 Western European, Latin-9.
UTF-8   ASCII compatible multi-byte 8-bit Unicode.
cp866 ibm866, 866 DOS-specific Cyrillic charset.
cp1251 Windows-1251, win-1251, 1251 Windows-specific Cyrillic charset.
cp1252 Windows-1252, 1252 Windows specific charset Western European
KOI8-R koi8-ru, koi8r Russian.
BIG5 950 Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
GB2312 936 Simplified Chinese (National character set).
BIG5-HKSCS   Big5 with Hong Kong extensions, Traditional Chinese.
Shift_JIS SJIS, 932 Japanese

(more options below)

dario    (2010-04-05 16:28:23)
PHP htmlspecialchars()

Nice article on my opinion. But I think that can gathered information from php tutorials.

*temule    (2010-06-17 15:42:42)
14 years ago

<img src = "image / img1.jpeg">

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