PHP form without captcha

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moderator    (2009-03-31)


PHP form without captcha

How to make a form without a complete captcha script ?  Many are free but it is always annoying for users, here are some ways & tips !

First you may verify that users take at least several seconds to type a text in your form, bots don't take time & fill most forms in microseconds :

<input type="hidden" name="verif" value="<?  print dechex(time()); ?>" />

Then just check the result :

if (time() < hexdec(@$_POST['verif']) + 2)
echo "You can't validate the form in less than 2 seconds.";

Then you may use a hidden field but without the HIDDEN type that is known by most robots already. This one may help you to avoid many spammers bots (you should use as name for the field something quite common as "topic" or "message") :

<input name="topic" type="text" size="30" style="display:none">

Now how many spams do you have on your forum ?

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