Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament


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Zack Stephen    (2018-01-06)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Is it too late to join the World Championship tournament? If not when will the first round begin?

Thibault de Vassal    (2018-01-06 20:43:12)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Hi Zack,

The waiting lists will be open in a few weeks, all tournaments should start on March 1st, 2018.

Herbert Kruse    (2021-06-26 22:13:03)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Is it too late to join the World Championship tournament? If not when will the first round begin?

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-06-27 00:19:49)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Copy-paste? Is it a mistake? (anyway, you're in already)

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-06-27 00:36:12)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Damn, it was 8 months ago already... thanks for the reminder! Waiting lists are open...

Garvin Gray    (2021-07-03 18:06:08)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

What is the situation for Groups of less than 7 players for this event?

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-04 00:50:58)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

"Round-robin tournaments are groups of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 players, there may be double round-robin tournaments in case of groups of less than 7 players."

Garvin Gray    (2021-07-04 03:40:06)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

So despite all the debates and assurances, nothing has changed for this rule. You are not changing from 'may be' to 'will be'.

As in - "Round-robin tournaments are groups of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 players, there will be double round-robin tournaments in case of groups of less than 7 players."

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-04 13:31:17)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

In the other discussion I specified: "Garvin, that thread (13002) was about FICGS Wch, not FICGS Cup... I added the possibility only of double round robin in Wch because I was not sure it was necessary in every stages (obviously it finds more sense in a round robin final than in stage 1), but anyway I could make it more accurate."

So, in all ways, it sounds like I didn't specify that all 5 players groups in WCH should be double round robin.

Garvin Gray    (2021-07-05 08:37:02)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

I added the possibility only of double round robin in Wch because I was not sure it was necessary in every stages (obviously it finds more sense in a round robin final than in stage 1), but anyway I could make it more accurate."

So, in all ways, it sounds like I didn't specify that all 5 players groups in WCH should be double round robin.

Garvin - Are you now specifying that ALL 5 player groups will now be double round robins?

As for the first part, I think actually a DRR (double round robin) in stage 1 is just as important, if not more so.

Here is why.

Players are seeded from 1 to the last player across the groups, going back and forth across the groups to seed the second seeds, third seeds and so forth.

This then can produce large differences in ratings between the players in some groups, and in others, very small differences between the top two seeds.

And it is for this fact, and then that players 3, 4 and 5 are then going to be very far rated below seeds 1 and 2, that a double round robin is necessary.

Otherwise, the number 1 seed gains a rather large advantage by being white against the number two seed.

A double round robin in all groups that are 5 player avoids all these issues. It is only 8 games total.

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-09 01:59:50)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Of course you make a point there, but it also questions 7 players groups (after all, rating difference between seed 1 & seed 2 is not much lower in average, and 12 games is still feasible in regular groups).

When groups should be double RR or not? Well, I agree that simple RR is not the most fair way, but as I explained about a decade ago, the idea of this championship was not to be the most fair, it was to multiply occurences without loading a too large number of games (and keeping rules as simple as possible, which was not a great success there by the way ^^).

Anyway, I won't say you're wrong, I think it was just a choice like another one.

But we can give it a try (maybe it will be a way to get some impressions & comments), so we'll have 5 players double RR tomorrow if it has to happen.

Herbert Kruse    (2021-07-10 13:23:16)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

when will the first round begin?

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-11 01:21:11)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Sorry for the delay, I had to update a tie rule in the chess WCH (if tournament entry ratings are equal) to avoid to make the universe collapse ^^ More seriously, a special case occured and it was not ok with the former rule. The WCH will start on July 11th.

Don Groves    (2021-07-11 02:25:26)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

In my opinion, the first tie breaker should be the result of the head-to-head match between the tied olayers. This is how it's done in all major sports.

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-11 12:58:27)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Sure, result decides first, but when it cannot, then ratings have a role to play, finally there must be a clear algorithm to decide in all cases.

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-11 17:49:37)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Here we are, for the first time in the FICGS chess championship, we have 5 players double round robin groups (regular groups, not M / SM groups)... Of course, players are invited to share their impressions on this matter.

Herbert Kruse    (2021-07-18 11:23:11)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

when will the first round of poker and big chess begin?

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-18 12:14:42)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Big chess championship just started... We'll have to wait a few more days/weeks for the poker championship.

@ DonGroves: hi Don, did you receive my messages?

Don Groves    (2021-07-19 21:40:45)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

My new email is

Garvin Gray    (2021-07-20 01:10:16)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament


Are you able to give a start date for all the second stage and third stage chess events?

ie Semi Finals, Stage 2's and Ko's/Round Robin Finals

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-20 15:17:19)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

No, we always have to wait for the end of all deciding games in previous rounds. This time, Ko's final & semi finals started just after the next cycle, but the candidates final is still to start.

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-07-20 15:18:36)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

By the way, chess WCH rules have been updated: all 5 players groups will be double round robin from now.

Herbert Kruse    (2021-08-14 06:33:57)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

when will the first round of poker begin?

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-08-15 13:00:22)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

I still don't know but we cannot start with 13 players... we'll have to wait some more.

Herbert Kruse    (2021-10-19 09:53:24)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

the next world championship can not be played because two players in the Round Robin 20 are playing on forever a completely draw Position

Herbert Kruse    (2021-10-19 09:54:22)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Round Robin 21

Ilmars Cirulis    (2021-10-20 17:40:28)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Wow, indeed. Imho, that game could be adjudicated.

Thibault de Vassal    (2021-10-21 00:25:35)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Yes, I follow this game. Well, it had to happen :) But don't forget that there is no 50 moves rule at FICGS, the game can continue some longer... if there is a forced mate in (e.g.) 157 moves at some point, then it can go on. If the defender has a clear plan to ask for a draw, then he can call the referee to explain it. To be continued.

Herbert Kruse    (2022-03-02 09:14:03)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

i am ready, why delay?

Thibault de Vassal    (2022-03-03 22:45:26)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Now 20 of your next games started already :)

Clodomiro Ortiz    (2022-03-05 15:03:10)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

as i rememner i lost my last participation in past cch stage i championship,i didnot participate in the waiting list this year yet,then i ask why i was included in stage2 group1

Clodomiro Ortiz    (2022-03-05 15:04:34)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament


Thibault de Vassal    (2022-03-06 00:46:16)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Clodomiro, you qualified from SM group stage 1. Only one player from this group does not qualify for stage 2 (or stage 3)... Please read chess WCH rules for full explanation.

Clodomiro Ortiz    (2022-03-06 12:51:04)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

thank you,nice to remind me

Herbert Kruse    (2023-07-06 09:44:07)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

all tournament started only the half
final didn't

Herbert Kruse    (2023-07-06 11:57:47)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

i meant

Thibault de Vassal    (2023-07-06 18:10:05)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

It will start today, but not all stage 2 tournaments can start yet.

Stanislas Gounant    (2023-07-23 14:23:08)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Hi Thibault, When start poker championship

Stanislas Gounant    (2023-07-23 15:53:11)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

18 players now. 3 groups of 6 players ?

Thibault de Vassal    (2023-07-27 18:47:42)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Poker WCH : 19 players in the list... 2 missing
Go WCH : 8 players in the list... 1 missing

Let's be patient, it shouldn't last much.

Stanislas Gounant    (2023-07-29 04:30:46)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Il faut refaire des annonces sur le chat sinon personne ne va s'inscrire. Et ne pas oublier de fermer la waiting list une fois que le tournoi aura démaré

Stanislas Gounant    (2023-08-09 00:42:36)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

I try to ask the players of my chess club to join FICGS and the poker championship

Garvin Gray    (2023-08-10 15:20:00)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

When will Round Robin 25 be starting, and which 8 players be playing in it?

Looking at the three groups from Stage 2 25, what a mess.

I can see arguments for about 12 qualifying from those 3 groups.

Thibault de Vassal    (2023-08-13 02:11:55)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

The 25th round-robin final just started... 7, 9, 11 or at most 13 players should qualify (2 from stage 1 SM group, 1 from each stage 1 M groups, so 4 in total from stage 1, added to the winners of stage 2 groups, 3 in total).

According to the stage 2 results, I added one co-winner (best TER) from each stage 2 groups + the next best TER cowinner (3rd in his group).

Total : 11 players (good luck everyone!)

Garvin Gray    (2023-08-16 14:17:48)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Thank you for starting RR 25. I think for future Wch RR's, that the RR section should be 9 players instead of 8 to ensure that each player gets 4 whites and 4 blacks.

Thibault de Vassal    (2023-08-17 03:52:00)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Did it ever start with 8 players? I think I always make the necessary in this way (and to follow rules that specify groups of 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 players).

Herbert Kruse    (2023-09-02 06:59:44)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

2 Month later ...

Thibault de Vassal    (2023-09-05 02:33:30)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

It started, finally.

Garvin Gray    (2024-02-09 07:25:21)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

The 2023 Version of this started July 1st. That is the starting date I have gone off for 2024

Thibault de Vassal    (2024-02-13 02:26:33)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Next FICGS WCH will start on March 15th, 2024 (initial date was March 1st). Waiting lists are now open!

Reason for this is that FICGS apps encounter technical problems on Play Store. I hope I'll be able to solve it before these next WCH tournaments start.

Herbert Kruse    (2024-04-22 12:44:57)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

World Championship Poker 16 and 17 could go in next stage

Herbert Kruse    (2024-04-22 12:46:07)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

i meant 15 and 16, 17 is one game not finished

Herbert Kruse    (2024-04-22 12:49:02)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

but the last game in 17 doesnt matter, first place in that is also clear

Herbert Kruse    (2024-06-16 11:10:54)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

New Poker wch should start 3 month ago and 33 Players are waiting

Herbert Kruse    (2024-10-10 08:28:05)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

its almost time for the next ;)

A. T. S. Broekhuizen    (2024-11-08 09:32:10)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

All first round games have been completed. What policy will be applied to ties? In my group, we have a three-way-tie.

Stanislas Gounant    (2024-12-29 21:33:40)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Les prochains championnats débutent quand? Je pense que si il n'y a pas d'annonces régulières sur le chat les gens ne vont pas s'inscrire sur les waiting lists. De même si les waitings lists restent ouvertes alors que les tournois ont commencés cela peut pauser des problèmes

Garvin Gray    (2024-12-29 22:32:22)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

When do the next championships start? I think that if there are no regular announcements on the chat people will not register on the waiting lists. Likewise, if the waiting lists remain open even though the tournaments have started, this can cause problems.

Stanislas Gounant    (2024-12-29 23:49:39)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

Thank you for the translation

I think Thibault has a better command of the French language than I do. (google translation for this sentence)

Garvin Gray    (2024-12-30 00:05:14)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

On this site, Forum topics are meant to be discussed in English

Herbert Kruse    (2025-01-10 19:03:27)
Next Ficgs World Championship Tournament

when will it start?