My Vitiligo Success Story

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kumail    (2010-08-13)
My Vitiligo Success Story

My Success Story !!! (I used Pure Herbal Vitiligo Treatment Oil)
I remember it was the mid of 2007, that I started noticing white patches appear on my hands and back. I was devastated and contacted a local doctor immediately. He said that the white patches had appeared probably Vitiligo Picturesdue to a calcium deficiency in my body and comforted me that there was nothing serious. I was put on a high calcium dose, But with in a few days the white patches started spreading to other parts of my body. I then contacted a dermatologist in my city. He diagnosed me with vitiligo. I was very shattered.

The dermatologist gave me a dose to take thrice a day and 2 creams that had to be applied early in the morning and late at night. The process of applying the cream was very difficult. First, I had to take a bath and then apply the cream on the affected area. After that it was necessary to sit in the early sunlight for 20 to 30 minutes. Then again at night, I had to take a bath and wash the cream completely before applying a coat of the other cream. The cream irritated my skin and if it touched the normal skin, it would cause dark patches there. Even after such an irritating and long procedure the results were not satisfactory and i was losing hope and self confidence day by day.

Then i contacted another well known dermatologist from another city and he put in on a six month drugs course. He also gave me a new cream and said that after six months, we will know for sure if it will cure my vitiligo, otherwise we will need to switch to some thing different. Thus the over all response was disappointing through and through and i kept switching doctors in search of a cure for this epic disease.

Later i decided to used herbal medicine to cure vitiligo. I used a domestic made herbal oil that was said to cure white patches. I used the oil for one and a half month in the affected area but the result was zero and the oil was very irritating to my skin. I didnot give up and kept looking for a better cure.

Finally i found this oil, Vitiligo Treatment Oil, that changed my life! I started using this oil in the affected areas. I used the oil for one and a half month in the affected skin and noticed that I was getting back my normal skin color!! I'm now a regular user and have been able to get rid of the white patches from most parts of my body. Remember it is necessary to use the oil regularly with time punctuality. I have used this oil regularly and noticed remarkable results!! The affected skin parts where i didnot use the oil regularly, did not improve quickly . So the tip is to use the oil regularly for 3 months or so till the white patch is completely gone.

So when i saw these remarkable results with this magnificient herbal oil, I decided to start supplying the vitiligo treatment oil through out the world to those who are affected with vitiligo. I know how it feels to keep taking medicines and find no results as i have personally been through it all. Not only is it a waste of valuable time and money but also very frustrating and disappointing. So this is my gift to all of you out there who are affected by vitiligo. use this oil with confidence as it has no side effects. I have tried to keep the cost economical so that every one can afford to try it out!


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*zamava    (2011-01-29 11:11:41)
My Vitiligo Success Story

I AM A PATIENT THAT IS SUFFERING WITH VITILIGO. I also have tried different medications on my skin with no results. I really want to get treatment for the white patches on my skin but I cannot afford it. Can you please help me because I am devasted. I can be contacted at valeryebaker(at) Desperately need help.

*rabia    (2011-03-10 09:52:44)
13 years ago

get vitiligo on my face lips, neck and shoulders.I was so afraid.Because i was not aware from this skin disorder disease.when i have contact with my dermatologist he says that my skin problem is vitiligo. I was desperate to get a right medicine. especially for my lips & for face.because i was losing my self cofidence in my social life.I got your Anti-leucoderma oil 4 months ago by searching the vitiligo treatments on internet, and since using it, I can only describe the results as phenomenal ! It actually seems to stop the vitiligo from appearing and of course it gets rid of the problem really well and really fast too. I am very impressed, please use this on your website if you wish, other people deserve to hear from people who have used it!
Thank you, forever grateful!!!
Shalek Senovetha - New York , United States,

vitiligo can be such a debilitating condition. For years and years my hopes of it going away with age just seemed to dwindle away, as I became older, and my vitiligo simply become more resilient and showed no signs of improvement.Being a thirty year old woman and still suffering from vitiligo is terrible! Especially in my line of work. I didn’t know what to do anymore, I simply could not go through life for another fifteen years having to hide my face anymore, enough was enough!

I decided to move away from the vitiligo over the counter vitiligo treatments like ointments steroid creams, and chemical prescribed creams, and try something natural, because well, the creams just simply were not working. I found your website and ordered 5 bottles of Anti-leucoderma oil for my vitiligo treatment, I was extremely hopeful and confident after reading all the success stories and of course the money back guarantee.After one month of using the herbal formula there was no change, and I was back in dismay.

I contacted your customer support to voice my concerns. I explained my case, and vigorously voiced my concerns, your helpful support team calmed me down and told me I must be patient, as in acute cases it may take some time.I am so glad I listened! After only another week there was huge improvement and my vitiligo patches color was turn into my natural skin color, and now 2 months later I am almost entirely vitiligo free! I simply could not believe it! I feel like a completely new woman!

Thank you so much – I will recommend your Vitiligo treatment to
Maleka – Baltimore , Maryland , United States

I have try product anti-leucoderma herbal oil for my older vitiligo skin disorder patches your herbal oil is really superb and wonderful.

My vitiligo patches have gone away permanently. It's like a miracle i can, t blive it. I had them on my upper thighs for years and the creams from the dermatologist never worked. I tried a number of herbal remedies from different herbalist, s nothing work for me. i extremely happy to inform you that the your anti-leucoderma oil formula has started working and the spots on the left hand and on my lips, feet and arms are almost gone. Thank you so much for the treatment so far. I really appreciate it.
Tom jackson, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

I have been suffering from vitiligo patches since friends and at home every one wants that. I should get rid this problem. i was disturbed in my college and in my social life and found my self into anxiety and develop inferiority complex. Just about 4 month when i was searching the best vitiligo treatments on internet i have found your site link on . my problem has encouraged me to buy Anti-leucoderma oil.Then i bought them from this site.Upto 2 months there were no improvements remain applying for more than 4 months the improvements gradually develops and know i am extremely happy that i have totally recovered and there is no such vitiligo white patches. Left any were i recommend this Anti-leucoderma herbal oil is perfectly results proves excellent results without any side effects WOW great job! God Bless you!!!

Yashela Jamin , Miami, Florida, United States

Dear Anti-Leucoderma oil company
I am Nabbel from Las Vegas united states I have tried your product for my skin patches called vitiligo. primarily because you have mention on your site for guaranteed results and 100% money back guarantee.That was enough for me to trust that the product would work for me. It worked exactly as you said it would. In little over five weeks my minor skin patches had gone completely and came off with no signs it was ever there.I love the fact I was able to do this without having to see a dermatologist.
Nabbel- Las Vegas, Nevada , United States

Hi, I wanted to write to you my feelings about your herbal product anti-leucoderma. Because my mother used your product for her vitiligo patches. I had ordered it for her after doing much research , trying to find something to help her out! The product worked like a charm! It got rid of a really quickly and good results for repigmentation process without any side effects,

I m amazed, please dont ever stop selling this great product, you have no idea how much the quality of life of one person has changed because of you.Because you have unconditional full money back guarantee.This is your company, s Specialty.I am sure hundreds of others vitiligo suffers people feel the same.

Please post this on your site as a testimonial, so others can see that your product really does what you say it does!

Jack Peter - Cape Town , South Africa

I have a child sixteen years old. He has Vitiligo on face, lips and others body parts. We are using your product Anti-leucoderma. He is using the product for three months now. The disorder process is now stop. There were patches on the
area face and neck. Now he has new pigment in 50 % approximately."
Thank you
Rajvinder Kaur Dehli , India

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