Modify the widget fan page box Facebook

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moderator    (2010-04-08)


Modify the widget fan page box Facebook

Because it may interest many webmasters, here is how I managed to integrate the widget fan page box of Facebook to the design of the buzz blog, the idea was to make the box transparent.

First, you have to add a link to a CSS file in the code provided by Facebook, just like this :

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");</script><fb:fan profile_id="XXXXXXXXXXXX" connections="8" logobar="0" width="365" height="155" css="<? print rand(0,10000); ?>"></fb:fan>

You'll notice a cache-breaker (only during the tests) at the end of the CSS filename, without this you couldn't see your changes in real time, even by reloading the page again and again.

Now here is the CSS file that you can change as you want. Note that it is against the terms and conditions of Facebook to hide all informations but the button itself!

.fan_box .full_widget {
border:0px solid #000000;
margin:0 5px 0 0px;
.fan_box div  { background:transparent; }
.fan_box .connections {
border-top:0px dashed #FFFFFF;
padding:10px 0 10px 0px;
margin:70px 0 0 0px;
.fan_box .connections_grid {
padding:10px 0 0px 0px;
margin:-108px 0 0 0;
.fan_box .grid_item {
margin:0 0 0px 0px;
.fan_box .grid_item img {
margin:10px 0 10px 0;
.fan_box .connect_button  {
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
.fan_box .connect_top,.fan_box .connect_top a {
.fan_box .connect_top {
padding:0 0 0 0;
margin:100px 0 0 0;
.fan_box .connect_top img {
.name_block a { display:none; }
.name_block { display:block;  }
.connect_span { padding:0 0 0 0;  }

This code was adapted from another code that I found in this blog, many thanks to his author.

(more options below)

*jonas    (2011-01-10 23:31:28)
Help me stamp out male cancer!

Hi Moderator,

I just stumbled upon your great article here, as I am currently on the lookout for someone who can help me with a Fan Box modification that I am having some issues with.

It is for a fully non-profit project, where I am trying to raise money and awareness for male cancer. So unfortunately I cannot pay you any money, and I fully understand if you therefore do not have the time to help me - al though it would make me really happy if you would take a quick look at it.

The modifications are:

1. (the most important)
I would like to hide or remove the ‘XX persons likes this’ at the top of the widget, as I have installed a separate like button underneath – do you know how to do this?

As you can see on my page, I have tried to adjust the widget to the websites grid (sidebar width 220px) – do you have any good tips on how to make the widget exactly the same?

Here is my current code: ht*p://

-and here is my page: ht*p://

Hoping to hear back from you, and thanks in advance.


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