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*rod    (2008-12-15)

Ouah... 50 milliards arnaqués ou envolés par ce Bernard Madoff avec une bête pyramide de Ponzi !  Comme quoi ça marche, comment autant de personnes du monde de la finance ont-elles pu tomber dans un panneau aussi énorme ?

Une chose est sûre, les tentatives à coup de ce type de pyramide vont fleurir de plus belle sur le net. Vous connaissez d'autres cas d'arnaques de cette ampleur avec ce genre de méthodes ?  A-t-on une idée de la date de la première arnaque du genre ?

Le chiffre est vraiment astronomique, c'est toute un morceau de l'économie d'un pays qui a disparu d'un seul coup, vive Wall Street.

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*kumeti    (2010-06-05 19:07:50)

C'est sur qu'il a fait fort le Madoff mais les escrocs de ce genre sont surement beaucoup plus nombreux qu'on croit.

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 Article -
online.wsj > article/BT CO 20090429 724885
  1. Show all for any kewords or articles or symbols
  2. (function(){djcs=function(){var _url={decode:function(str){var
 Bernard Madoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki/Bernard

This page was last modified on 13 October 2010 at...

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nydailynews > money/2009/04/25/2009 04 25 grab for

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 Wall Street's Latest Downfall: Madoff Charged with Fraud - TIME
time > time/business/article/0,8599,1866154,00

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 BBC NEWS | Business | Madoff millions vanish into thin air > 2/hi/business/7783386.stm

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 Madoff's Victim List - The Wall Street Journal
s.wsj > public/resources/documents/st

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msnbc.msn > id/28196739

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...with securities fraud in what could amount to one of the biggest...

 Madoff sent straight to prison after pleading guilty to $65bn fraud | Business |
guardian > business/2009/mar/12

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...sent straight to prison after pleading guilty to $65bn...

 Madoff Pleads Guilty to 11 Counts; Bail Revoked -
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 Burned investors sound off on Madoff, and the SEC - Feb. 20, 2009
money.cnn > 2009/02/20/news/newsmakers

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cbsnews > stories/2009/03/12/business/main4862910.shtml Jewish, so do you think he hid the money is Swiss Banks or...
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 Michael S. Rosenwald - THE FINANCIAL LOBE: Madoff Exposed Investors' Weak Spots -
washingtonpost > wp dyn/content/article/2009/01/03/AR2009010300040

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 Madoff: So where's the money, Bernie? - Americas, World - The Independent
independent > news/world/americas

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newsday > business/ny bzmado0112604954mar31,0,7450244.story

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 World’s richest hit by Bernard Madoff - Times Online
business.timesonline > tol/business/industry sectors/banking and finance/article

 Madoff brother agreed to US asset freeze in Dec. | Reuters
reuters > article/managementIssues/idUSN3142719820090331

 Lose money to Madoff? Don't cry to Uncle Sam. |
csmonitor > 2009/0209/p15s04 wmgn

 Madoff Trustee

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 Madoff: What Happens to Those Who Profited? | Newsweek Periscope |
newsweek > id/177727

 Madoff worth more than $820 million, document says -
cnn > 2009/CRIME/03/14

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nymag > news/businessfinance/54703

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