Mad cats video

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thibault    (2010-05-05)


Mad cats video

Another video gathering funny mad cats... hilarious!

Source : Youtube


Les bêtises de nos amis les chats sur Youtube, numéro 25432. On ne s'en lasse jamais, toujours imprévisibles, toujours maladroits, toujours dingues...

Si la première peut avoir été préparée à l'avance (le doute gâche forcément un peu la chose), j'aime particulièrement celle des deux chats jouant au "miroir".

(more options below)    (2010-05-19 15:02:46)

Mad cats video

I love cats, these ones are so funny!


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*vefeba    (2010-09-28 15:58:12)
Il y a 14 ans

vtry/ funny. ))interesting video also about the fat cat is here.  ht*p://  I love cats and everything associated with them. Cats - extraordinary creatures. They all have different characters and habits. Sometimes habits are very strange. You can look at the funny fat cat here. I also have a cat. He behaves like. He lives in his apartment and sometimes sad, unfortunately. And he can talk with a mirror))) Thank you for creating such a great site and a good selection of videos


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