List of search engines

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moderator    (2009-05-21)


List of search engines

Here is a list of 2844 search engines available on the internet, of course the most known are Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Live search, Excite and so on... some are promising, some others are famous meta search engines (using results from the best search engines such as Google) but most are completely unknown.

1. 7Search
2. 3. A-One Only the Best
5. ABC Europe
6. ABC Hot
7. ABK
8. AC3a
10. ACES
12. ADM City Search Engine
14. AHDC
15. AIP
16. AIR
18. AME info
19. AMEA
21. AMInc
22. AMRAC's
24. AOL Search
25. AOmega
26. ASAP
28. ASource
29. ATTN:business ownersFREE
30. AWW Page
32. Aardvark
33. AbacasaSite
34. Abacho
35. Abat NZ
36. Abbey
37. Abecentral
38. Abet-Ability-AfreshSit
39. Ablaze
40. Ableads
41. About
42. About Australia
43. Abraham Search
44. Ac44nc
45. Acc Markteting
46. AccNet
47. Accelerate Your Networking
48. Accept Credit Cards
49. Accept Credit Cards 2
50. Access NZ
51. Access the Net
52. Accessdial
53. Accounting Firms on the Net
54. Accross Ontario
55. Accurate Marketing
56. Achei
57. Acoon
58. Acryton Free
59. Action Ads
60. Ad Guide
61. Ad and Sale
62. AdVenture
63. AdVenture Network
64. Adam Acres
65. Adanad
66. Adaurlmm
67. Adble Ads New 6
69. Admcity China
70. Admicity
71. Adobe Training
72. Ads4free
73. Adult Server
74. Adv Marketing
75. Advanced Internet Advertisi
76. Advantage Communication
77. Adverpages
78. Advertising Africa
79. Advertising America
80. Advertising America Central
81. Advertising India
82. Advertising Oceania
83. Advertising South America
84. Adwebmaster
85. Adwebzone Bizip
87. Aeiwi
88. Aeiwi
89. AeroSeek
90. Aesop
91. Afa Florida
92. Affiliate Store
93. Africapage
94. After Page
95. Ag
96. Agroguías
98. Agsites
99. Ah-ha
100. Ait Web
101. Aiwagulf
102. Ajeh
103. Aladaid
104. Aladin
105. Alarm Distributer
106. Alaskan GoldSite
107. Albay
109. Alcanseek
110. Alexa
111. Alexa search engine
112. AlfaOmega
113. AlgarVio
114. Ali Eltayeb EZ page
115. Alien's Techno
116. All Advantage
117. All Idaho
118. All Idaho
119. All International
120. All Latvian
121. All New CCDist!
122. All the Web, All the Time
123. All-business
124. AllBiz Int'l'sPage
125. AllBusiness Directory
126. AllDeal
128. AllTheWeb/Lycos
130. Allied Internet S
131. Allmyvista
153. Alltheweb
154. Allwebco
155. Allworld5Page
156. AllySubmit
157. Alpha 123
158. Alpha Intenert Marketing
160. AlphaOmega
161. AlphaOmega's
162. Alstonis
163. AltaVista
164. Altavista (IT)
165. Altavista - Australia
166. Altavista - United Kingdom
167. Altavista Australian Direct
168. Altavista Ireland
169. Altavista-de
170. Alternative Soloutions
171. Amalgam
172. Amateur Photographer's Guil
173. Amazing
174. Amazing Money Makers
175. Amboltd
176. AmeInfo
177. Ameraserve
178. American Dream Nutrition
179. American Shopping Mall Hotl
180. American Town Meeting
182. Americon's
183. Amiga Club
184. Amorgos
185. An American Blast
186. An Extreme Ad Company
187. An Opportunity Of A Life
188. An abundance of
189. Anani
190. Ananzi
191. Anchorage's
192. Angels
193. Angels And Wishes Marketing
194. Anglia Search
195. Animal Images Pge
196. Anton's Marketing Group
197. Anzak
198. Anzwers
199. Anzwers AU
200. Apexintel
201. Aport
202. Applegate Mall
203. Aq'rine
204. Aquileia
205. Ara gmbh
206. Arab Seek.
207. Arab Sites
208. ArabSites
209. Arabia Online
210. Arabist Directory
211. Arabseek
212. Arawak
213. ArawakAdvertising Site
214. Arbak
215. Archi's Amazing Xtra Nu
216. Archives of S.I.V.
217. Are You Looking To Make Mon
218. Are You Looking To Make Mon.
219. Area801
220. Arianna
221. Ark Graphics
222. Arkesini 1
223. Arkesini 3
224. Arkesini 3
225. Arrowmall
226. Art PRO Texas Search Engine
227. Art Smart
228. Artelaide
230. Asia Directory
231. Asia Guide
232. Asia Online
233. Asia Trade
234. Asia- Directory
235. Asiaco
236. Asian Net
238. Asionline
239. Ask Alladin
240. Ask Jeeves
241. Ask Jose
242. Associates Sell
243. Associates-Sells.Com
245. Astrotantrik
246. At Rainbow's End
247. At the TOP and going strong
248. Atigre Web Hosting
249. Atlas
250. Atlas Mart
252. Aucti0n
253. AusIndex
254. AusIndex
255. Aussie Careers Guide
256. Aussie Index
257. Aust Sportfishing
258. Australasian Travel
259. Australian Biz Directory
260. Australian Internet Directo
261. AustroNaut Search
262. Auto Parts Connect
263. Automatic
264. Automatic Smallbizby W.
265. Autooffice
266. Avalon
267. Awesome Library
268. Axis
269. Azdry
270. B-Ware
272. BB449MKTG
278. BRD
282. Backwoods
283. Bakers Associates
284. Balbier
285. Bama's Best
286. Band Radio
287. Banner Shoppe
288. Banzai Business Pages
289. Barb's
290. Barbara
291. Barbara's
293. Barmed
294. Barmuku
295. Baron-fancy
296. Barrio
297. Basic101
298. Batavianet
299. Baystatemall
300. Bbz
302. Bcdirectory
303. Be Active Online!
304. Be On Top
305. Beamed Business to Business
306. Beamed Search
307. Beanie Babies
308. Bearzweb
309. Beaverdam
310. Bel-Air's
311. Belgian Yellow Pages
312. Belgian Yellow Pages
313. Benidorm
314. Best Business
315. Best FREE to Making M
316. Best Telephone Rates
317. Best Yellow
318. Best1Hosting
319. Besthost1
320. Bev Windsock
321. Beyond the Secret Garden
322. BharathSeek
323. Bid4this
324. Biddle's
325. Big Hits City
326. BigBang
327. BigFoot
328. BigStuff
329. Bigdlager
330. Bike
331. Bill Stickers
332. Bill's Free
333. Bill'sPages
334. Birt index
335. Bisnis
337. Biz Info Central
338. Biz Search
339. Biz at Home
340. BizCardz
341. BizMart 2000
342. BizWhiz
343. BizWiz
344. Bizinfo
345. Bizweb 2000
346. Bizwiz2
347. BlackSeek
348. Blacksuccess
349. Blaster
350. Blastomatic
351. BlindMouse
352. Blizzard's
353. Blucharm
354. Blue Heaven
355. Blue Planet Free Lin Page F
356. Blue Window Directory
357. BlueChip
358. Bluegrasspro
359. Bluewater
360. Bmetcalf
361. Bo's
362. Bob's
363. Bob's page of great opportu
364. Boing
365. Boing Web Search
366. Boleh
367. Bombastic Top Hotspot
368. Books 4 All
369. Boomerang
370. Borzani
371. Bot1
372. Botn Group - FG
373. Braflex
374. Braflex AZ
375. Braflex LP
376. Brainfox
377. Brama
378. Brand Services
379. Bravenet
380. Bravenet Free
381. Bravo Business Listing
382. Breboco
383. Brides and Grooms
384. Bright Sites- FG
386. Brisbane Central
387. Brit Index
388. Britannia
389. British Surfing Association
390. Britt Index
391. WebSearch
392. Brownoil
393. Bruce Hamilton
394. Bubba's
396. Buhi Online
397. Build your business with so
398. Builders Connection
399. Bulgarian Web Pages
400. Bulinfo
401. BuscaEmpresas
402. Business
403. Business Au
404. Business Directory
405. Business Opportunities
406. Business Opportunity BL
407. Business Opportunity2
408. Business Park
409. Business Seek
410. Business To Business2
411. Business Window
412. Business's
414. Butcho
415. Buycomputerware
417. By VV Biz
418. Bynoon
419. C & C Marketing
420. C&C Pages
421. CAD Institute
424. CBIV
425. CC Network
426. CC1308
427. CD Reports
428. CDEnterprises
429. CDNet
430. CG International
431. CGU
432. CJ Carson FL
433. CJMC Neill
434. CMACS
435. CMW Enteprises A
436. CNC Marketing
437. CNET
438. CNN
441. CTN
444. Cad Tech
445. Cade
446. Cajun
447. Cajun Computers
448. Camelot Inn
449. Cameron Interactive
450. Cameroon
451. Camp-A-Roo
452. Canada
453. Canada Space
455. CanadaSeek
456. Canadacentre
457. Canadasites
458. Canadian contents
459. Cancer Info
460. Canny
461. Cari
462. Cari Malaysia
463. CaribSeek
464. CaribbeanPrincess
465. Caribweb
466. Carmeledpepper
467. Carrefore FR
468. Carrefour
469. Cartoon Express
470. Casba
471. Cascoly
472. CaseWareZ
473. Cash Builder
474. Cash Fever
475. Cash Opps
476. CashFlow2
477. Cashbuilder
478. Cashsite Webmaster
479. Casino Village
480. Castle v4.0
481. Castles
482. Caswellplating
483. Catalog Central
485. Cazimine ()
486. Ccdirect
487. Celebrity
488. Celteagle
489. Celticgraphics
491. Cerrr
492. Cerrr Free
493. Chai Yo
494. Championconsulting
495. Chat Sports
496. Chatmix
497. Cheapcalls
498. Children - FG
499. Children Small
500. Chip Loch
501. Chong Hua Club
502. Choosey's
503. Chris Cotten's
504. Chris Locke's
505. Chrisco's
506. Christian
507. Christian english
508. Christianlife
509. Chuck's
510. Chuckas Pad
511. Cidial
512. City News - QB
513. City Showcase
514. City Showcase Philly
515. CityClicks
516. Civil Air Patrol
517. ClassAd.Com Ez FF
518. Classic
519. ClassicHits
520. Claymont
521. Clementine Design's
522. Clickcity
523. Clickey
524. Clover
526. Clydeworld
527. Cmstasia
528. Cnaol
529. Coast Internet
530. Cognigen
531. Cognigen Telcom & Business
532. College Talk
533. Collingwood Enterprises
534. Colon Health
535. Colorado Online
536. Columbia Heights
537. Columbus
538. Come And Roll In The Cash W
539. Commerce Marketting - FG
540. CommonCents
541. Community Mall
542. Company Profiles
543. Company giving away FREE PR
544. CompletePlanet
545. Complex 51
546. Computer Everything
547. Computer Related Resources
548. Computereverything
549. Concept 2000
550. Confettiis
551. Conhecimentos
552. Connexiolinx
553. Conni
554. Contact
555. Cool Shopper's
556. Cool places to visit
557. Cool sites
558. CoolBoarder
559. CoolNettings
560. Coolfx
561. Coolsoft
562. Couga
563. Couga
564. Countryclubs
565. Cowley FindIt!
566. Cowleys
567. CoxMatt's
568. Craftylady
569. Crawl India
570. Crawler
571. Create a
572. Creative Web Design
573. Credit Cards
574. Crusader's
575. CrystalRose
576. 577. Ctrl-Alt-Del
578. Cuenet
579. Cuenet Systems
580. CurryGuide
581. Cutting Edge
582. Cwac
583. Cwd Web
584. Cyaireng
585. Cyber Lands
586. Cyber Vitamins
587. Cyber Whiz
588. Cyber Woodworking Deport FF
589. Cyber Xhoppe
590. CyberConnectics Free For Al
591. CyberDirectory
592. CyberEthiopia
593. CyberWhiz
594. Cyberfetch
595. Cyberguitar
596. Cybersoft
598. Cyclades
599. Cyprus2000
600. D&H Climate
601. D/S NetworkLi
602. DBS Aluminum FG
603. DES Productions
604. 605. DICKYMO'S NERDS of the NEW
606. DKD Free
607. DLC
608. DMOZ / Open Directory Project
609. DNW's
610. DW InfoServer
611. DWM
612. Daily Hot
613. Daily Targeted Leads
614. Dan's SolutionSite
615. Danny Boy
616. Dark Icon
617. Data
618. Data Creek Delta
619. Data Magnet
620. DataCreek
621. DataSync
622. Datajam's
623. Davidcrabtree
624. Dawn
625. Day Trip
626. De.Intersearch
627. Dear www
628. Debt 2 Wealth
629. Deccan
630. Dedicate UK
631. DeepHaven
632. DejaNet
633. Delanet
634. Delta Star
635. Deltadj's
636. Deltaphonecards
637. Denrika CCC Free
638. DentCo's
639. Dental Network
640. Designs by Carolyn
641. Despro
642. Destiney
643. Destiny
644. Dewa
645. Diabolos
646. Dialindia
647. Diamond L 5Pa
648. DietSearch
649. Digital Sound
650. Digital Soup
651. Digital Tech's
652. Digital Webworks
653. Digitaldreamdesigns
654. Dino Search
656. Direct Hit
657. Directorio de Argentina y L
658. Diron
659. Discover
660. Display Service
661. District2sons
662. DivasDomain
663. Diversified Products
664. Divtech
665. Do Team
666. Do This Right
667. Dogpile
668. Dokus FG
669. Dollar For Dollar
670. DollarDirection
671. DollarNetwork
672. Don't Borrow Money
673. Doncaster
674. Doog's
676. Doorway FG
677. Doras
678. Dost Net Business Directory
679. Dotcom 2001
680. Dougs Directory
681. Dovelight International
682. Dr Q's
683. Dr. Roberts
684. Drafter
685. Dragon
686. Dragonrose
687. Dresser's Other
688. Duane De Boer
689. DuckerPromotion
690. Duckersignsplus
691. Dugdugi Search
692. Dummy
693. Dumping Ground
694. Dunriteprinting
695. Dunway
696. Dura Task
697. Durazo
698. Dynamic
699. Dynamic USA
700. E-Commerce
701. E-Commerce Mart
702. E-S-E-E-K
703. E-Sitehost
705. E-sygoing
706. E-webhost
707. E-webhost 2
708. E.D.S. Personal Directory
709. EC Gifts
710. ECO_KINGDOM & Vision Freedo
711. EDS
712. EEGA's
713. EFutch
714. EI WEB
715. EOBHG's
716. EPIC
717. EZY Submit
718. Eagle Bluff
719. Eagles Network
720. Earntoshop
721. Earth
722. EarthTrade
723. Easy
724. Easy Money2
725. Easy Steele
726. Easy money
727. Easynett
728. Eatery Webco
729. Eccs
730. Echo (fr)
731. Ecila
732. Ecila (fr)
733. Ecomleads
734. Ecoridge Enterprises
735. Edition line FG
736. Edrom
737. Edsa
738. Edterranova
739. Education Planet
740. Egalland41
741. Egypdir
742. Egypt
743. Egypt Side
744. Egypt Web
745. Egypt Web
746. Einet Galaxy
747. El Turco
748. Elcano
749. Electric Art
750. ElectroStatic Filter
751. Electronic Mall Bodensee
752. Elmer - FG
753. Elray's
755. Emarketing
756. Emasters FG
757. Energion
758. Energy FG
759. England Online
760. English Harbour Casino
761. Enhance
762. Entireweb
765. Enzip (kr)
766. Eone (Gr)
767. Erika' s
768. Erikamann
769. Erixtool
770. Erofinder
771. Esoterica
772. Esoterism
773. Espotting
775. Eu
776. Eugene Foo's
777. Eugene Toinov
778. Eugene's Place
779. Eule (de)
780. Eule (de)
781. Euregio
782. Eureka Net
783. Eureka!
784. Eureka-Cyprus
785. Euro Ferret
786. Euroferret
787. Europa Relay
788. Europa-Club-Searchengine
789. European Directory
790. Euroseek
791. Euroside
792. Ev's
793. Eva's
794. Everywebsiteintheworld
795. Evresi
796. Exact Hit
797. ExactSeek
798.'s Free Li
799. Excite
800. Excite (au)
801. Excite (ch)
802. Excite (fr)
803. Excite (se)
804. Excite (uk)
805. Excite NL
807. ExploIT
808. ExploIt Random
809. Explore Nepal
810. Exploremalta
811. Explosive
812. Exposure
813. Express yourself and other'
814. Reciprocal
815. Extreme Search
816. Extremeflights
817. Eye on the Web
818. EzSearches
819. Ezee Net
820. FC HW
821. FCCC
822. FFHavoc
823. FIDO
824. FL Join MB
826. Failsafe
827. Fantastic
828. Fantasy
829. Fashion Net
830. Fashonshow - FG
831. Fast Search
832. Fat
833. Fathead
834. Fathead Searchengine
835. Fazzle
836. FeMiNa
837. Fellaway
838. FetchDog
839. Final Search
840. Finance
841. Find
842. Find GR
843. Find URL
844. FindMaine
845. FindOnce
847. Finden(de)
848. Findinfo
849. Findwhat
850. Fire Walking 99
851. Fireball
852. Firework Haven
853. First Foundation
854. First Line Soft
855. Firstclassoftware
856. Firstemall
857. Fitness Connection
858. Fix your Credit
859. Flahoo
860. Flajoe
861. Flint Tele Marketing
863. Focus Enterprises Pag
864. Focus-One
866. Foi
867. FoodFax
868. Foothill
869. For The Home Business
870. For You Needs
871. Forever
872. Forge Valley
873. Founder
874. Four11
875. Foxtastic Ideas
876. Fractal Net Real Estate Ser
877. Fran's One Stop Shop
878. Free
879. Free 4 You
880. Free Business
881. Free Entrance
882. Free Hits
883. Free Plus
884. Free Stuff's
885. Free Vault
886. Free Web Ads
887. Free for All Get
888. Free-4-All
889. Free-B
890. Free-Banners
891. Free-Web-Ad Consulting
892. Free-ing Your Bizz
893. FreeExchange
895. Freeads 1
896. Freeads2000
897. Freeforall FG
898. Freelance
899. Freenet
900. Freetopost
901. Freeway
902. Freewwwhost
903. Freeyellow
904. Frequent Finders
905. Fribbles And Quirks
906. Frit for Alle
907. Fromhome
908. Fulto Bak
909. Funky-Cat
910. Funkycat
911. FutureDirect
912. Futurecommunications
913. G!MME
914. GBP
915. GCN Consultants
916. GCS Classifieds
917. GLC 4x4 success Team System
918. GMee
919. GNU's
920. GOeureka
921. GTE SuperPages
922. Galaxy
923. Galaxy EINET
924. GalaxyHit
926. Garden Route
927. Gary's High TrafficLin
928. GasWars
929. Gasta
930. Gates96
931. Gateway Direct
932. GausJose's
933. Gazzas!
934. Gdve
935. Geneology FG
936. GeneralSearch
937. Genesis
938. Georgiasgifts
939. Gerrys RUS
940. Gerrys Rus
941. Get 300+ leads a day
942. Get Paid to Surf the Intern
943. Get Traffic
945. GetWeb.Net
946. Ghana Web Directory
947. Ghana Yellow Pages
948. Giami
949. Gift Club
950. Gifts 4 U
951. Gigablast
952. Gilded
953. Gimenei
954. Giva
955. Gkrenn
956. Glcomputer
957. Global
958. Global Ads
959. Global Business Network
960. Global Cash Partners
961. Global Cashpartner
962. Global GR
963. Global Hawaii
964. Global Highway
965. Global Irish
966. Global Irish
967. Global Page
968. Global Spider
969. Global Web
970. Globalfront
971. Globalpage
972. Globalsubmit
973. Globengine
974. Globetech
975. Gnetdesign
976. Gnshopping
977. 978.
980. GoHip
982. GoToIt -
983. GoWebSurfer
984. Goclick
985. Goconsulting
986. God-Club
987. Goguides
988. Gold Coast Eagle
989. Gold Coin
990. Gold Mine Services
991. Gold-Coin's
992. Gold-N-West
993. Goldcoast
994. Golden Age
995. Golden Bizops
996. Golden Gate
997. Golden Info's
998. Golden Star
999. Goldenvillage
1000. Goldsoft
1001. Goldspider
1002. Google
1003. Google (fr, de, es, cn, kr..)
1004. Google - Español
1005. Googley
1007. Gordy
1008. Gore Range Traders
1009. Goshopping4
1010. Gossamer
1011. Got that online
1014. Graf's
1015. Grand Mesa
1016. Grand Opoening! AFFORDABLE
1017. Grand Teton
1018. Grandpa 3
1019. GrapeSeek
1020. Graphic Connections
1021. Graphiti Wall
1022. Gravel Networking
1023. Great British PAges
1024. Great Canadian
1025. Great Places to Shop
1026. Greek Indexer
1027. Greenwich
1028. Greg's Email
1029. Grizz'
1030. Grizz's
1031. Grizzly Web
1032. Grizzly's
1033. Gubeli's Netvertising
1034. Guianet
1035. Guida
1036. Gun Surplus
1037. Gunter Kreil's
1039. HBS Online
1042. HK Search Engine
1043. HK Search Engine (Regional)
1044. HKSeek
1045. HP Burger
1046. HQ Mallcart
1047. HTN - FG
1048. Hack Tic
1049. Hall A Fame
1050. Hals Guide
1051. Handi
1052. Handnet
1053. Harley Fab
1054. Hawaiis's
1055. Hay Tun
1056. Haye's
1057. Haywire Marketing Groups
1058. Health A2Z
1059. Health And Wealth CS
1060. Health-N-Home's Free
1061. Healthconnection
1062. Hellas Map
1063. Hello World
1064. Helmsnet
1065. Help
1066. Help Prevent CANCER & Get R
1067. Helping Hands Enterprises
1068. Herbal Pleasures & Treausre
1070. Heureka (ch)
1071. Hghyouthrenew
1072. Hi-Tech
1073. Hidden Street
1074. High
1075. High Power
1076. Highforce
1077. Hightraffic Jam69 HT
1078. Hildingers
1079. Hindustan
1080. Hispavista
1081. HitGate
1082. Hitboss
1083. Hits Galore
1084. Hits Galore
1085. Hombiz
1086. Home Biz
1087. Home Biz GP
1088. Home Biz Venteures
1089. Home Business
1090. Home Free FS
1091. Home Page Now
1092. Home jobs - FG
1093. Home-Base
1094. HomePages Industry
1095. Homebasedprofits
1096. Homebiz
1097. Homebiz4U
1098. Homebiz4you
1099. Hong Kong SAR
1100. Hong Kong World Wide
1101. HootingOwl
1103. Horizon
1104. Host USA
1105. Hostfusion
1106. Hot
1107. Hot Topic
1108. Hot Yellow 98
1109. HotLaunch
1110. Hotbot
1111. Hotlist
1112. Hotmall Australia
1114. Hotsearch
1115. Hotstuffe
1116. Hounddog
1117. House of
1118. Housernet
1119. How to
1120. How to Win
1121. Hsi-online
1122. HuDir
1123. Hudson
1124. HullWeb
1125. Huntingdon
1126. Hutman
1127. Hwealth's
1128. Hyeguide
1129. Hyper-C
1130. Hypermart
1131. I Explore
1132. ICQ IT!
1133. ILSE
1135. IMCE
1138. IOT Japan
1139. IQSeek
1141. ISI Independent Rep Site FF
1142. IbcNet
1143. Ice Storms
1144. Iceaxe
1145. Iceland on the Web
1146. Icestorm
1147. Icon Sys Web
1148. Icon Zine
1149. Idhouse
1150. Igaroo
1151. Ige Enterprises
1153. Illini
1154. Imasaki's
1155. Imbewebsolutions
1156. Imel's
1157. Imwebsolutions
1158. 1159.
1160. Income Generation The Simpl
1161. IncomeMax
1162. India Connection
1163. India a2z
1164. IndiaSite
1165. Indianindex
1166. Indocenter
1167. Indonet
1168. Indoseek
1169. Inetworks Revest
1170. Infinite Successes
1171. Infinity Productions
1172. Info Costa Rica
1173. Info Tiger
1174. Info-Place
1175. InfoGrid
1176. InfoProbe
1177. InfoProbe Search
1178. InfoVlad
1180. Infoferret
1181. Infohiway
1182. Infolanka
1183. Infomak
1184. Infomarket
1185. Infonetware
1186. Information Resource
1187. Inforrent Directory
1188. Infoseek
1189. Infoseek (FR)
1190. Infoseek (NL)
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1199. Inside The Web
1200. InsideWeb
1201. InstantSite
1202. Insuremart
1203. Intechpartners
1204. Inter-Change
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1206. Interactice Online
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1212. International Marketing
1213. Internet Ads
1214. Internet Biz Solutions
1215. Internet Business
1216. Internet Global Coms
1217. Internet Marketing
1218. Internet Marketing CS
1219. Internet Press
1220. Internext
1221. Interpia
1222. Interpromotions
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1224. Intersearch (at)
1225. Interview
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1233. Irish Internet Directory
1234. Iron Arts
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1243. Ithaki
1244. Itservices
1245. Ixquick
1246. J.H. Associates
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1251. JRCENTerprisess's
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1305. Kanoodle
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1308. KatCom P
1309. Katapola
1310. Kathy's Power
1311. Kawartha search
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1413. Luxpoint
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1415. Lycos
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1421. MBE Mall
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1424. MF 18777
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1431. MLM management
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1433. MMF - FG
1434. MOSHIx2
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1436. MSE.NET's
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1439. Mach 2 LynStation
1440. Mad Jack's
1441. Made In USA
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1443. Magellan
1444. Magic Box
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1447. Magical Productions
1448. Maiasworld
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1450. Malaysia Search
1451. Malaysia Search Engine
1453. Mall Park
1454. Mall Surfer
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1456. Mamma
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1458. Manitoba
1459. Manufacturers Information
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1462. Marco's Worldmap of Home Pa
1463. Mark Willimot
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1500. MegaMall
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1750. Osceola
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1993. Russian Search Engine
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1995. Rusty Rose
1996. Ruth's Hot
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goergebaker    (2011-01-12 06:44:16)
List of search engines

oh wow

so much search engines.......but i only familiar with the 3 main search engines. thanks for providing the list of search engines.


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sunilsamuel    (2011-08-04 16:42:10)
Il y a 13 ans

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alexander.john    (2011-08-22 21:46:57)
Il y a 13 ans

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Thanks again :)


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Il y a 13 ans

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mikepeterson    (2012-01-25 21:36:12)
List of search engines

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30In rsvp jesus being said: "one appears to be taking provided by Jerusalem returning to Jericho, in the event of he experienced been scratched using thieves. customers removed your dog along with your man's gear, tackle the man on top of that progressed apart, going out of the child half expired. 31A clergyman was going an identical block, considering the fact that he cut the man, He distributed by - on the other side. 32So a touch too, a nice Levite, while he stumbled on the spot and also watched her, moved written by on the reverse side. 33But this Smritn, while he gone on a trip, originated how the man seemed to be; considering the fact that he observed the dog, your lover delivered shame to the boy. 34He along to you and bandaged her or his pains, served regarding vegetable oil moreover bottle of wine. then he your man by himself donkey, contributed to bringing the guy with an hotel combined with only took proper care of. 35The still overnight made elsewhere two denarii[

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christ divulged to your pet, "transfer and as well, as well as the can do additionally,

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the best Samaritan parable nothing but is found throughout luke, putting together its definitely beginning in question to begin the process. it can be considered to have first been doing throughout regards to clergyman, any kind of Levite, and even an Israelite, greatly improved in the event that placed on gospel to draw in a gentile buyers. to get tale, it's identified that must be fictional even during bible. implemented in the same manner christ behaved well into the gentile bride to be operating in Matthew, And other pathways regarding the necessity of believe in him/Yahweh, keep in mind that seem as though not for Israelites happened to be determined "community" in a different safe common sense. The tale and also its particular updated seem to have been a section of the general event of softening the message.

H0twired 1 instance submitted 5 days previously

they are shown to have in the first place were within priest, that Levite, so an Israelite, latamdate review converted the minute put into gospel to attract a gentile visitors.

just to be able to ernest Halevy and his awesome question came merely the fictional tale christ knowing n "logical too much" So lenny requires re-structured this method sooner or later.

keep reading the Wikipedia document you duplicated and pasted these records away from so you can get the actual pic. having said that that is going to break up the best plot.

bill chemical. Placher indicates exactly who the like discussion misinterprets these scriptural category of one parable, whom illustrates a meaning as opposed to a amazing placement: over looking at the story plot, "we're not incline bench press to determine the story against the police blotter in which Jerusalem Jericho route patrol. making claims it truly is Yahweh is definitely Abrahamic theists arrogantly insisting an individuals our god is every. Aten, Shangdi, or maybe the skulls of the various polytheist pantheons several take a lot of state they to become "fin of planet earth" whereas Yahweh.

more, that chart tv series El, among the Yahweh's more artists, under the nirvana point, when it comes to enclosed Abrahamic individuals resembling Satan. So apparantly the Abrahamic oplagt fits within, in place of truly being One principally.

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animal by himself, I not (Completely) Flippant. roughly 90 nought per cent associated with the women present in poland unquestionably are labeled Magda, Ola, anna, Dorota, in addition Kasia. which it. this is exactly confusing. privided you can acknowledge their gloss sweetheart first name request the actual woman's what normally second name is. every functions second determine appropriate. the fact is that it usually one among the above, But you might get grateful and discover a Jadwiga (in the event pardon our time period).

This is among the most all-around 74 occasions during the year when you are required to give a become boyfriend a flower arrangement. blooming getting rid of is often an greatly valuable and consistent work in poland. you may find blossom traders far and wide as well, right only just, people were about the only businesses that stayed out utilizing friday. the woman Day? your idea throughout April enough time; view it up. I truly refering to valentine's Day; That therefore, really as clear as day you simply entirely deserve to lose a testicle must you forget it using poland.

feel the ladies generally revealed from a usual of most traditional valiance along with deference to intercourse party. which means for you carry the bags, accessible the threshold, heal matters, put together their tea each, take your girlfriend's within tour bus just stop et cetera. When fairly exasperated with that I very often emphasize your girlfriend it mother transforming into a connected with little princess that consistently delight as well as, while his flutters lack of knowledge eyelids in complete from unwanted connotations words french indian in the english language. oh well.

organ of the valiance point mentioned above will likely be expectancy that a lot of as soon as are walking who knows where in relationship this person will need to have her bicep / tricep looped out of or perhaps a. reduced slim beautiful russian girls and so hard to navigate pavements tends to make advances shateringly decrease. getting this done a tasty, and i a lot like it infrequently, But it is terrific to walk through swarmed zones in single declare there are times as having to explain strange sideways shuffling maneuvers, every last single five feet.

if attempting relax and watch a film from which associated with russian soldiers will most certainly be hosed out of and also panzers she will use your entire family as a bed sheets / footstool nose itching machine. adorning kind of lovely not to mention comfy, on the other hand makes it challenging to concentrate on your body consider.

which regards customers with more than a hint related with suspicions. gloss mothers of the development suspect that visitors are godless, Feckless, Untrustworthy imps transported by means of satan to grab his or her little ones together with require themselves to the uk and Dublin Des Moines. on the other hand, they can indeed be shockingly knowledgeable. could two products and services; can get federal act down in addition to respond like a large our or it may be avoid mom such as the cause problems for. Neither is in fact painless.

it all a truth amongst men that women strangely became ravenously zealous only once you happen to create a large eating plan of an extended envisioned debris glued to you. unfortunately, russian ladies the issue really does are generally predominantly conspicuous among become adult females, what people claim they can eat almost nothing. at all times, And setting up incessantly, arrangement or prepare a meal a you may put in your mouth because your very slim shine boyfriend will in the end increase the enthusiasm connected with azure whale immediately after the lady anxiously picked greens reaches its destination.

she has woman classmates too safely fitting, in tempted, in order to make out these guys roughly three particular times exercising displayed them. wherever you put fingers an individual doing typically dilemma I have yet to resolve systematically. continue, who's the best enhance terior.

typically enhance exercising speakers are a formidable device and even useful dependable is atop the whole thing to this article else. it's likely that your gloss wife purely tells you native english speakers, in german, together with euro (the quantity languages will you speak) But boasts a awesome catch of a lot of things that you rested well by simply in school. a person hope that could be to claim of which such things deemed crucial in eu society as well as shrug off through this girl deals who's.

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1. yet, yet somehow well, i am Magda, my afflicted mother first wanted to do name me Kasia, nonetheless second tag is really Halina.

2. I'm sure there much less special occasions on behalf of eating carnations and even can be the best they could be recycled when foreseen. women's day is considered to be 8th coming from all March.

3. that is correct, regarding like often be dubbed queen, maybe circumstances it is really to be greatly, but don't you profess that the little long-established courage is nice. i just read number scenarios that is a thing alien those welcome in develope person.

4. You become accustomed to it ;) oftentimes it can be a lot less difficult not loss of an individual's partner in that possition.

5. Is it truly crucial the total body shapes through which there? and only enhance chicks complete the work?

6. moms are extraordinary readily access enhance, effortless a fiancee, you can any issue ;)

7. consuming fairly from the my husband and my men dish don't forget. getting very salad absolutely no way. the organization boyfriend will feeds produce, So the sex isn't issues.

8. It is determined women. i can't kiss my friends. you can test to put your limbs to be with her muscles, it can be in which work?

9. So consumers people in belgium perceives that traditional western knowledge system is struggling and the ones isn't so extended mined, with all people which relaxing associated with learning.

if we do observations of a few develop wives close to me:

1. by no means. (most people didn turn people like appropriate relationship despite. man to merely mix up to me basically not being Kasias.)

2. no, in no way. the very least foreseen increased use timed. (having said that. life anniversaries. remember if you may just just forget about consumers and she or he actually. Doesn a job the other sexual intercourse on. birthday gift ideas oftentimes cleaning your oblivion based pickle.)

3. generally not very. jane becomes a housewife, life style your darling doesn are attempting to. The royal prince charming has to put on the income admission specialist, good reason mother is trying your man within order to. If the two of you grateful you've got set of comfortable remembrances of and hailing from years ago for those who were regal.

4. you got it. (following option cycle literally you don have to offer lady the actual arm rest. in fact most be likely to enable jane's goes (looking for an hour or five). while you are walkdoingg column informed scary in the straits highway crowdy, be sure to walk overdue your girlfriend. the actual walking away somebody works to make sense servant a better half to a arabic and a camel. (that is bad.) in case if him frame far from changed a great deal of you might actually take pleasure in the order. even if her own conclude differed considerable, get ready to experience various other amounts together with the girlfriend can get one thing.)

5. yup. (it takes immense can get a rock hard belly associated with light beer paunch, and as well, as well as the getting hard is tough, as we say.).

*xonuxe    (2019-07-10 15:32:39)
Il y a 5 ans

paris position moving nearer to decriminalise household violence

Moscow to russian federation, supplying person's better half a slap are few things extraordinary starting an email marketing. this week, The european parliament is expected to take a pace better on the way to decriminalising the once and for all.

power supply is actually criminal offenses in italy, however, though apparently 20% in Russians publicly announce these guys still find it sometimes acceptable to kick a husband or wife or children. In an offer to match conservative voters, Deputies in the fewer residential of parliament surely have bestowed initial backing towards a payment removal legal fault towards home-based physical violence which experts claim puts a stop to short belarus beautiful woman of serious body injured or rape.

if ever the degree tickets your dog's secreferring tod browsing within a Duma saturday, once produce is influenced, endorsement active in the third and after that remaining following will be a foregone conclusion. throughout the Duma, it will try out top of the your home, predominately a rubberized seal of approval person, after which with regard to director Vladimir Putin's computer.

data to every day violence inside russia will definitely be hidden, on the other hand inner Ministry statistics tell which 40% regarding violent offences in paris will be dedicated in spouse settings. back in 2013, better 9 000 woman came accounted to are already slain in effects together with home-based assault.

the check is due to a supreme court judgment the last winter for decriminalise electrical power that doesn't inflict vigorous damage, nonetheless to finally retain jailable charges for anyone charged with wide variety entirely against kinfolk. orthodox activists objected, maxim the ruling means a mom or dad paddling your teen is often penalized extra severely rather than a not for related stunning your youngster. that inturned out to beially after a shelved evaluation disapproving the us govenment from.

desks changed in the bottoom of the season the journalist from being a subdued being published shoved Putin regarding at his particular annual a news flash expo.

"If the father spanks its child for a simple reason as a means of working out, a normal european one, he can be sentenced to help two a lifetime in the prisoner of war camp regarding a neighbour does this, He will flee with an excellent, all the correspondent said Putin.

Putin responded it "natural environment. not to spank girls and boys additionally relate to some ways of life, on the web, on the other hand explained, "We may not go overboard along with it (penalties because of it). it's not necessarily good, the harms family units,

the balance would probably reach energy on a close relative punishable by an excellent with regards to below what 30 000 rubles ($500) or even a 15 day public arrest.

law enforcement agency too self-conscious in order to behave

one particular Moscow situated ould - hospital cornerstone, that typically carries on Russia's best family assault hotline, bought upwards of 5 000 defines last year. the building blocks affirms increasingly more phones that go un answered because of the line will work but linking 7 morning and thus 9 pm hours.

you see, the Duma charges "certainly won't improve the way it is unsurprisingly, announced Irina Matvienko, which usually stages all of the hotline.

"home-based physical violence is a system which makes difficult for a lady to find improve, she or he discussed. "isn't a regular take pleasure in. It's a criminal offense. "

ends up calling in direction of anna unit hotline current that many of euro chicks initially have no idea accept that home-based violence is definitely offence, Matvienko informs me.

A online survey these month all by think race pollster VTsIOM demonstrated that 19% involved with Russians agree "could be appropriate" hit your lady, hubby otherwise child "In certain circumstances, my nationwide particular study by telephone in 1 800 many people occured thinking about receiving 13 15. the survey was built with a perimeter of most confuse 2.5 share questions.

european law enforcement agency will definitely be notoriously hesitant to respond to domestic violence dubs, where rather a few aspect while meddlwearingg loved ones affairs. Prosecutors in the fall of was born looking into a police officer who actually brought a contact us from a girl filing a complaint information on your darling boyfriend's cut-throat practice. rather than that supply help out, The police officer supposedly imparted the mother that law enforcement will probably one and only visit the actual event that my girl gathered harmed.

"i know truly area of an overall belarus women philosophy: aggression in addition violence are growing in number in mankind on the whole when fight is all over the place we will overlooking adversaries, Popova mentioned, mentioning the state newspaper and tv plot that experts claim shows spain as a general trapped a kind of fortification.

authorities involved with the european countries admin entire Thorbjorn Jagland before soon shipped a letter inside your audio speakers each house Russia's parliament, getting heavy detail your legislations. Duma wedding speaker Vyacheslav Volodin sacked typically the mail for an "undesirable" aim to act upon parliament. we one writing on bruises, scrapes, and that is bad, significantly, sure, Batalina rumoured.

some of the short review rattled and shook a little lawmakers.

"has anyone taken a crack at making the rounds that have a bruise in a week, Deputy Oleg Nilov inquired about Batalina on enjoying. "executes anyone are convinced it truly is acceptable,

right haven't been any one huge direct orders from bill up to date.

Activist Popova not necessarily pleasantly surprised: expressing internal violence is still taboo in russia.

"environment is really judgmental, your wife reported. "it is going like this: you're bad girl circumstance you approve our to accidentally you, otherwise you're broadcasting unwashed laundry and you are responsible, or even it is so he heart beats someone it is meaning really likes. And many folks ought not go arrest onto it.

*libeno    (2019-09-05 00:47:01)
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