List of indian religions

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*88d2c0    (2009-09-23)
List of indian religions

Here is a list of indian religions (there may be different movements in each religion), do you know other ones?


- Agama Hindu Dharma
- Hindu revivalism
- Lingayatism
- Hindu reform movements
- Shaivism
- Shaktism
- Tantrism
- Smartism
- Vaishnavism


(more options below)

*d14d49    (2010-01-14 14:25:05)
List of indian religions


*kegeki    (2010-12-22 19:36:07)
14 years ago

there are different types of christianity

*nukeme    (2011-07-08 14:54:45)
13 years ago

boring make sure people understand it

*lifumu    (2013-06-07 13:57:48)
11 years ago

cool realy helped me with school Geo/RE


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 List of religions and spiritual traditions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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