List of Google stopwords

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*stopwords    (2009-01-27)
List of Google stopwords

Here is a list of Google stopwords, meaning words that are most probably ignored if you search for them in combination with another word. Feel free to add other words if you think there are other ones.


(more options below)

*2b4537    (2009-12-06 07:18:29)
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abiaabida    (2010-02-08 07:24:13)
15 years ago

Thanks Buddy!!!

Make me know about Google Stop words.. any thing else like this secrets kindly share with me .. meet again...

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johnrackon    (2010-05-21 09:14:18)
14 years ago

This is useful for us because we most probably ignore these words if we are searching for them in combination with another word.


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*zigati    (2010-07-25 18:11:30)
14 years ago

hello world be the a has

charlottemanage    (2011-06-14 21:52:56)
13 years ago

Words other than keywords are stop words.
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*nujuje    (2014-10-30 18:39:05)
List of Google stopwords

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*xozeti    (2014-12-17 16:18:54)
10 years ago

An exception would be for those people who dont want to balance their characteristics but rather want to call attention for the features they like.When serious dark brown in addition to green are generally the same colors, an intense distinction is generated by your mixed sunglasses.It is possible to consider consumers wide array of your shades for the store.At online wholesale store you will get a huge variety of sunglasses at affordable prices.It is the frame of one of the most sold products of the asylum of Italian make of birth but belongings Country: the shades and compass.<BR>* You can shop for your coveted glares from the comforts of your own home and the product also gets delivered at your doorstep.Apart from correcting your vision problem and protecting your eyesight they can also add layers to your look which amplify your personality."Moda sunglasses" is providing exceptional and unique wholesale sunglasses as it is the direct importer and manufacturer and this is why the prices of wholesale sunglasses are economic and affordable.
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*kagazi    (2014-12-18 09:34:34)
10 years ago

An exception would be for those people who dont want to balance their characteristics but rather want to call attention for the features they like.When serious dark brown in addition to green are generally the same colors, an intense distinction is generated by your mixed sunglasses.It is possible to consider consumers wide array of your shades for the store.At online wholesale store you will get a huge variety of sunglasses at affordable prices.It is the frame of one of the most sold products of the asylum of Italian make of birth but belongings Country: the shades and compass.<BR>* You can shop for your coveted glares from the comforts of your own home and the product also gets delivered at your doorstep.Apart from correcting your vision problem and protecting your eyesight they can also add layers to your look which amplify your personality."Moda sunglasses" is providing exceptional and unique wholesale sunglasses as it is the direct importer and manufacturer and this is why the prices of wholesale sunglasses are economic and affordable.
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*nitija    (2014-12-19 20:55:27)
10 years ago

Usually, the site asks your personal details like name, address, age, nationality and so on.There is a wide range of wholesale designer sunglasses available and it is pretty difficult to choose the best suited design.Based on the company, while their intrecciato design is the heart of the items, they don't let it limit what they are capable of doing.Accomplished boarders aswell accept the aplomb to abrasion what they wish to abrasion rather than what they anticipate they should abrasion in adjustment to dress the part.Current debts borrow designer totes never been recently this luring.For teens and children, fashion jewelry items that are fashionable often include colorful pieces, including charm necklaces or charm bracelets.Accessories like this gain personality with age.Reviews are an excellent way of determining whether or not a place is worth making a purchase.Don't forget your eyes!
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*sasosa    (2014-12-22 13:00:12)
10 years ago

An exception would be for those people who dont want to balance their characteristics but rather want to call attention for the features they like.When serious dark brown in addition to green are generally the same colors, an intense distinction is generated by your mixed sunglasses.It is possible to consider consumers wide array of your shades for the store.At online wholesale store you will get a huge variety of sunglasses at affordable prices.It is the frame of one of the most sold products of the asylum of Italian make of birth but belongings Country: the shades and compass.<BR>* You can shop for your coveted glares from the comforts of your own home and the product also gets delivered at your doorstep.Apart from correcting your vision problem and protecting your eyesight they can also add layers to your look which amplify your personality."Moda sunglasses" is providing exceptional and unique wholesale sunglasses as it is the direct importer and manufacturer and this is why the prices of wholesale sunglasses are economic and affordable.
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*ponula    (2014-12-22 17:13:24)
List of Google stopwords

Usually, the site asks your personal details like name, address, age, nationality and so on.There is a wide range of wholesale designer sunglasses available and it is pretty difficult to choose the best suited design.Based on the company, while their intrecciato design is the heart of the items, they don't let it limit what they are capable of doing.Accomplished boarders aswell accept the aplomb to abrasion what they wish to abrasion rather than what they anticipate they should abrasion in adjustment to dress the part.Current debts borrow designer totes never been recently this luring.For teens and children, fashion jewelry items that are fashionable often include colorful pieces, including charm necklaces or charm bracelets.Accessories like this gain personality with age.Reviews are an excellent way of determining whether or not a place is worth making a purchase.Don't forget your eyes!
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*cuvumo    (2016-08-14 12:46:23)
8 years ago

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

jackluter    (2017-04-26 08:46:13)
7 years ago

The above listed break words are important one.

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