Keyword optimization

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crishseo    (2010-07-16)
Keyword optimization

Keyword optimization, the art of choosing the correct keywords, is one of the most important things related to search engine optimization.

it's also one of the things people tend to spend too little time on. They think up a few keywords quickly, optimize their pages a bit and then submit them to the engines. This usually results in not-so-good rankings under keywords that are poorly related to the site in question.

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rickyenjohns    (2011-01-24 17:52:13)
Keyword optimization

A website that wants to rank in search engine results pages themselves, to prepare for their most relevant keywords before they will start their search engine marketing program. These set of keywords usually primary, secondary and other related key words or phrases that best match the main content of websites are different. With many web masters, its products, services or content on your website by optimizing keywords are.


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seoservices7890    (2011-05-07 10:55:03)
13 years ago

Google adward is the best keyword optimization tool.


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healthtourism    (2011-06-12 12:42:42)
13 years ago

Yeah, i like it too

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