Is this a hoax ?

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*wireless    (2009-01-27)
Is this a hoax ?


I just received this email, is this a hoax ?


You're getting this letter in connection with new directions issued by U.S. Treasury Department. The directions concern U.S. Federal Wire online payments.

On January 21, 2009 a large-scaled phishing attack started and has been still lasting. A great number of banks and credit unions is affected by this attack and quantity of illegal wire transfers has reached an extremely high level.

U.S. Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in common worked out a complex of immediate actions for the highest possible reduction of fraudulent operations. We regret to inform you that definite restrictions will be applied to all Federal Wire transfers from January 26 till February 6.

Here you can get more detailed information regarding the affected banks and U.S. Treasury Department restrictions:


    Federal Reserve Bank System Administration

(more options below)

yeebaa    (2010-10-01 16:56:08)


Is this a hoax ?

Yes! Hoax!

Descuentos Gratuitos Costa del Sol



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 Hoax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia > wiki/Hoax
  1. This page was last modified on 18 October 2010 at
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