Is html the basic language?

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*kepeze    (2011-08-01)
Is html the basic language?

I am new to website Designing and programming. I need to know that is HTML a basic language for creating Css Templates, Joomla Templates and these kind of Website Templates?

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andrewpepin    (2011-10-21 18:10:26)
Is html the basic language?

Yes HTML is basic before everything.
PHP or


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santiago    (2013-03-29 11:24:47)
11 years ago

HTML is a language for describing web pages.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is a markup language
A markup language is a set of markup tags
The tags describe document content
HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
HTML documents are also called web pages


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 Basic HTML: Introduction
htmlgoodies > primers/html/article.php/3478141/Basic HTML Introduction.htm
  1. Article: Unleash the Power of Hardware-Accelerated HTML5
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 W3C XHTML2 Working Group Home Page
w3 > MarkUp

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 HTML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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php > manual/en/language.basic syntax.php

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