Is RobboLito a clone of Rybka 3 ?

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moderator    (2009-12-29)


Is RobboLito a clone of Rybka 3 ?

The names of Ippolit, Igorrit & RobboLito just appeared like a bomb in many chess forums, as these new chess engines would be as strong as Rybka 3 which is recognized as the strongest chess program nowadays. As these engines are free and open source, it means that many clones of these engines may appear within a few months, with a rating near 3300 points. But is the original version of RobboLito, named Ippolit, a clone of Rybka 3?

It seems that these names have been completely deleted from the Rybka forum, this could mean that the team of Rybka consider these engines as a clone of Rybka 3, by the way Rybka 4 should have been available already, obviously they had to change their plans recently, maybe after having heard about RobboLito.

If it is confirmed that Ippolit and RobboLito are clones of Rybka, it may have many consequences on the future of computer chess and correspondence chess, but the main thing is that the creator of Rybka may stop to work on his program. He has been probably responsible in a great part of the fast improvement of all chess engines these last years, to fill the gap he created between them and Rybka. Thus his concurrents became much stronger, starting with Fritz, Hiarcs, DeepShredder & DeepJunior.

Does anyone have informations that could prove or invalidate that RobboLito is actually a clone of Rybka 3 ?

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moderator    (2009-12-29 21:34:53)


Is RobboLito a clone of Rybka 3 ?

The original discussion from the FICGS forum, with many links around RobboLito, Ippolit & Igorrit :

*kronicon    (2009-12-31 19:48:34)
15 years ago

About RobboLito. I wanna say isn't a clone of Rybka. RobboLito is free open source chess engine. I am the beta tester of RobboLito. I know I get banned from for using RobboLito on the computer channel. RobboLito beat Rybka very easy and understand the most ending game position and Rybka don't recognize the end game part of chess. I wanna add to RobboLito the function of Learning winning position on chess to reduce the time on search varation. I make one book for RobboLito in ctg format. Actually RobboLito don't use Nialov file and work fine on ending position.

*sharpnova    (2010-04-12 04:05:15)
14 years ago

RobboLito is absolutely not a clone of Rybka.

Accusations from the Rybka team were made due to the fact that Rybka's supremacy has been undone. They're unable to deal with this fiscally.

Rybka 4 is expected not to make significant gains over the latest versions of Naum or Stockfish either.

I expect about the time of R4's release that Vas's team start claiming Naum and Stockfish are clones of that.

*linuki    (2013-07-23 02:57:13)
11 years ago

No Robbolito is UCI a freeware chess engine. The source code is very original. And is not a copy of any chess engine. Robbolito play better than the most comercial engine.

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يكون [روبّوليتو] أنسوخ [ربكا] 3?    (ar)
Е RobboLito на клонинг на Rybka 3 ?    (bg)
Je RobboLito a klon Rybka 3?    (cs)
Er RobboLito en klon af Rybka 3 ?    (da)
Ist RobboLito ein Klon von Rybka 3?    (de)
Είναι RobboLito ένας κλώνος Rybka 3;    (el)
¿Es RobboLito una copia de Rybka 3?    (es)
robbolito است كه از غير rybka 3?    (fa)
On robbolito rybka kloonin A 3?    (fi)
RobboLito est-il un clone de Rybka 3 ?    (fr)
Na robbolito da clone da rybka 3 ?    (ha)
היא robbolito א שבט של rybka 3 ?    (he)
यह एक robbolito की हूबहू rybka 3?    (hi)
A robbolito a klón a rybka 3 ?    (hu)
È RobboLito un clone di Rybka 3?    (it)
RobboLitoはRybka 3のクローンであるか。    (ja)
RobboLito는 Rybka 3의 복제품인가?    (ko)
Is RobboLito een kloon van Rybka 3?    (nl)
Er RobboLito en kloning av Rybka 3 ?    (no)
Jest to robbolito klon z Rybka 3?    (pl)
É RobboLito um clone de Rybka 3?    (pt)
Este robbolito o clona a rybka 3?    (ro)
Будет RobboLito клоном Rybka 3?    (ru)
je robbolito je kopija. rybka 3 ?    (sr)
Är RobboLito en klon av Rybka 3?    (sv)
เป็น robbolito เป็น clone ของ rybka 3    (th)
RobboLito Olduğu bir klonlanmış of Rybka 3?    (tr)
robbolito ہے ایک ہم جنس کے 3 rybka?    (ur)
RobboLito是否是克隆Rybka 3 ?    (zh)

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