Introduction Anyone4chesscom


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Barry Bell    (2006-11-22)
Introduction -

My name is Barry and after corresponding with Thibault on my website ( for the last few days, Thibault suggested I drop by and post something about our website. Anyone 4 Chess is not a correspondence chess, we call our system an online a turn based chess system (Association – A4C). The site works on a 7 day cycle for moves and you receive no emails that a move has been made however, if you are entered into one of our free tournaments (all tournaments are free and their will never be any cost to play chess on our system) an email is sent to each player in any tournament that the next round is about to begin. Anyone 4 Chess is an online turn based chess system however, it also hosts the Association dedicated to promoting, supporting and developing an association for webmasters / players who support this type of chess. We believe there is a place for this type of chess (different from correspondence, OTB and real time chess) and the association will work to promote this type of chess following the example of FIDE and other organization to work towards our mandate and goals. Thanks

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-11-22 05:01:51)

Hello Barry and welcome :)

Feel free to inform us about the evolutions of this promising website. I hope the association for webmasters will give all chess sites nice opportunities to work together.

All the best.

Barry Bell    (2006-11-22 05:17:38)

Thank you Thibault for your warm welcome, please feel free to create a 178 x 159 pixels jpg providing information about your site and I will post it a soon as possible. P.S. this offer is available to any webmaster that runs an online turn based chess system. Thanks again.

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-11-22 05:54:24)

How much clock time per game per player???

Glen D. Shields    (2006-11-22 14:04:56)
Strange Setup

Dear Mr. Bell - being the curious type I followed the link to your site. I don't understand what you're offering and I'm surely not registering to your site until I know. Might I suggest some basic FAQ's accesible prior to registation?

Thank you.

Thibault de Vassal    (2006-11-22 14:13:29)
Strange Setup

I must say I agree with Glen about the setup...

I discovered the site thanks to a referer from Anyone4chess forum (which contains lots of info) - that is not linked from the home page and not known by Google. That's a pity, I also suggest you make something in this way.

Barry Bell    (2006-11-23 02:49:56)

Hi The site works on 7 days to make a move, the clocks are reset after each move. To answer the next question: The site is a free turn based online chess system (a place to play chess free) and it also hosts an association to support webmasters that believe and or support what A4C stands for regarding online chess. As for google, as I mention to ThibaulT, we have no interest in google at this time, we are in the first phase of development and when the third phase is finshed we plan to take full advantage of these options when we are ready. Thanks

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-11-23 04:14:40)

I think I figured it out: 1. A player has to log in to that site at least once every 7 days. 2. A player does not know whether his/her opponent has made a move until he/she logs in to check out. 3. A player who fails to make a move within 7 days loses the game. What I haven't figured out is whether computer analysis is allowed or not. Is it totally banned there???

Barry Bell    (2006-11-23 06:20:08)

Hi - There is a section under Help that deals with Computer Play, so to answer your question no computers are not banned. The TD (tournament director) has the ability to create whatever type of tournament he wants as long as he follows A4C rules. The normal tournaments are swiss, the team tournaments are a combination of swiss and round robin. Example: A TD creates a 5 round swiss and states this tournament will be a computer assisted tournament, he states the rules etc etc. as long has it does not break any A4C rules then this type of tournament is accepted. So far we have not had a tournament like this, but provision to allow this type of tournament are already in place.

Barry Bell    (2006-11-23 06:35:18)

I also want to mention that our system is very fexiable, with tournament play and normal game play. Example re tournaments: You start the tournament, you get choose whether it is open or closed, you make decisions on pairings if you want or just let the computer decide. You deal with complaints, withdraw or return players in the tournament, declare a winner, draw etc. In other words you cant just set the tournament on auto pilot and forget about it (well I can no else can...grin). Normal play, you find 7 days is not enough time, if the other player agree you baiscly can set your own time frames. Yes an option to claim a win will appear if your opponent does not move in 7 days but you dont have to accept it! I hope this is not to much information. - Thanks

Glen D. Shields    (2006-11-23 06:38:17)
No Thanks

Why in the world would I want to play on a site that sounds as disorganized as yours? There are tens of places to play like FICGS that are well organized and aren't shrouded in mystery. When you figure out what you want to be, want kind of tournaments you want to offer (turn based doesn't mean anything sorry), and you offer folks the opportunity to evaluate your site without harvesting their personal information, I'll take a look and re-consider.

Good luck.

Barry Bell    (2006-11-23 07:00:45)

I would suggest you never evaluate my site, as you said there are lots of sites out there more suited to your needs and taste. I wish you the best.

Dinesh De Silva    (2006-11-23 07:54:47)

Mr Bell, Thanks for the info! It's a bit different from other sites, but I now have an understanding of it's structure of play. I have registered on your site. I will start playing my first tourney there soon. Best regards.

Jaimie Wilson    (2006-11-23 14:42:54)

Isn't all chess turn based?

Peter Eizenhammer    (2006-11-23 16:00:42)
No information and too ambitious

Visiting the homepage one can read some/few lines and is told that anyone4chess is going to "create the rules of chess" (sic!) and wants to be a "chess entity" "following the example of Fide". Wow, very ambitious. Thinking about it I am not so sure if people would be impressed if I told them that I am a GM created by anyone, ah Anyone. Really, these creative some lines full of hubris could not convince me to register, sorry. Peter