Idea for a new vehicle Law

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soopadelirious    (2010-05-22)


Idea for a new vehicle Law

I thought it would be a good idea if their was a law restricting motorist from driving 2 days a week, you would have the right to choose any two days every week but on those two days you would have to use alternative means of transportation or carpooling. If every driver in the U.S and other high traffic Country's had to Participate in this. It would greatly effect the environment and Oil industry  It could be beneficial in numerous ways, Most obvious less natural resources being used, Individual cost of Driving and Maintenance will drop, There would be less traffic on the highways. The health benefit of Walking or riding a bicycle twice a week. A drop in air pollutants from exhaust.I'm sure there are things I couldn't think of as well. I cant think of any reason its a bad idea. What do you think.


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