Hydra vs Adams


Hydra vs Adams.

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Benjamin Block    (2008-06-06)
Hydra vs Adams.

What was the time control in this game? How could Adams know that his move was better when the computer?

Thibault de Vassal    (2008-06-07 17:28:51)
Hydra vs Adams

Wasn't it classical time control ? (40 moves/2 hours)

What does mean your second question ?

Benjamin Block    (2008-06-08 08:51:48)

It was a mistake. i mean Nickel vs Hydra. What was the time control in this corr game? I guess Nickel used a computer too. But how could he know that his move was better then the his computer?

Jason Repa    (2008-06-08 11:09:30)
Nickel vs Hydra

I believe that Nickel used various chess engines to assist him with error-checking and analysis, similar to what any good corr. player does.

I especially liked the game where Nickel beat Hydra with the Black side of a French Tarrasch