How to use wget, examples

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*lotesi    (2010-04-27)
How to use wget, examples

Quite often one has to use the wget command in SSH on a Linux server, but the options are not always well known while they offer a quite large control, here are a few examples on how to use wget :

To download via a ftp server
wget -r l4 ftp://username:password(at)

To download a file with no special character in url

To resume a download
wget -c

To convert all absolute links to relative ones
wget -k

To download a file with a special character "&" in url
wget ""

To download all associated files as well
wget -p

To download a complete website
wget -r

To specify the filename after downloading it
wget --output-document=forum.html

To limit the speed of the download
wget --limit-rate=20k

To download files with a particular extension
wget -A.htm

To download urls from a list in a file
wget -imy_url.txt

To download images jpg in a list of url
wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.mp3 -erobots=off -imy_images.txt

If you know other interesting examples for wget, feel free to post it here...

(more options below)

*reloci    (2010-10-05 02:22:22)
How to use wget, examples

I need help. Im using WGET on Windows 7, however I could not find the final file, I mean I dont know where the file containing the downloaded data is located. Can you help me_

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