How to open blocked sites ?

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*fixit    (2008-10-14)
How to open blocked sites ?


I encounter a strange problem with my Internet Explorer 7 under Vista OS. Some sites (in another country) are blocked and I find no way to open it. Is this a firewall problem, does IE7 have an option to be changed in order to see the pages or should I use another browser like Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome (which is best) ?!

Thanks for your help.

*hi    (2009-06-10 03:47:57)


*3ab227    (2009-08-30 07:18:56)
This is vey usefull


*1205b2    (2009-09-06 21:21:21)

Hi All :)

Here is a great website to open blocked websites:

Easy name to remember: (Open Blocked Website).com

Enjoy :)

*izoant    (2010-04-14 15:09:04)
14 years ago

Hi folks, I have synthesized all I have learned on accessing blocked internet sites in a text file. I think there all of you that have problems opening something on the computer in work could find a way to do it.

You can download the text file from here: ht*p://

Good luck!

*dozami    (2010-04-14 16:27:19)
14 years ago

Good way to spread a virus

*gobuni    (2010-05-26 00:30:16)
How to open blocked sites ?

im blocked from a fulltilt poker  i got my ip address changed but im still blocked what could be done

*poxubi    (2010-07-22 08:44:15)
14 years ago

how can i open orkut

*nuneme    (2010-08-17 21:07:03)
14 years ago

my pc not open gmail google

*vifexi    (2010-09-19 11:11:10)
14 years ago

how cAN I open yaptube site

*teeka    (2010-11-17 22:02:05)
14 years ago

what kinda name sites to get on facebook, and all like youtube, facebook, and, other sites to get access at school/????

*pesixi    (2010-11-27 07:55:10)
How to open blocked sites ?

hi how r u
How to open sex blocked sites

*buzefo    (2010-12-22 16:49:01)
14 years ago

tell me best vpn dailer

*lapavo    (2011-01-02 07:23:46)
13 years ago

just lie ur sister with me only for day I will tell about this problem. thanks

*goducu    (2011-01-02 18:07:55)
13 years ago

in UAE all sexy site is bock how i can open this sites.please help me....

*karuxu    (2011-02-03 17:38:25)
13 years ago

How to open blocked sites ?

*xogana    (2011-02-05 15:59:31)
How to open blocked sites ?

pornhub how to unblock and watch video in uae

*sinexe    (2011-02-14 20:23:40)
13 years ago

How to open a sexy sites which are blocked by saudi government. Plz send reply on usman.munir(at)

*furije    (2011-04-01 07:30:48)
13 years ago

hoe to open facebook site

*bupexo    (2011-06-12 11:20:17)
13 years ago

how to open the block website?

dernbach    (2011-07-14 21:58:43)
13 years ago

please use proxy sites to open blocked site.


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*dofivo    (2011-09-09 22:31:58)
How to open blocked sites ?

hi my name is hamed i am from bahrain if you like to open block site just use www.hidemyass or hotspot shild

sunilsamuel    (2011-09-27 18:35:40)
13 years ago

google chrome is a good web browser you can try Chrome may be this solve your problem...


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ronhall    (2011-11-30 15:12:12)


13 years ago

if you are unable to open a website you can open it in proxy.... proxy is a web site through which you can open blocked sites....  here is  a  good proxy..


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*gisaku    (2012-02-19 09:19:39)
12 years ago

why i am blocking since more than one month plz open my texasholdem

*tusofu    (2012-03-08 06:36:45)
12 years ago

open sexy block site for me because i love with sex and also entertaining

ryansuter    (2012-03-27 19:35:32)
How to open blocked sites ?

Use proxy webistes to open blocked sites. You may also use a free software tor browser.


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*tebuta    (2012-08-31 08:26:23)
OPEN blocked sites

You can use to open blocked sites on windows OS. It provides you full access by changing your IP to another country IP(full access location). It also protects your system from snoopers and hackers.

*lerozu    (2012-09-23 23:20:05)
12 years ago

John it won't leve me go on porn hub and I am 18

*لاعبه_الج    (2012-09-27 00:42:13)
12 years ago

Hi everyone
I would like to share this program with you
~~I wasel~~
After trying this software i think that i have to share it .
I wasel allows you to open any blocked sites u can imagine.
It also changes your ip address free to choose between 6 servers.
It also unblocks the Skype, Paltalk and everything.
You can use it on your cell phone.
I think you have to try it
Go download it now

*ciduko    (2012-09-28 19:58:05)
12 years ago

Google Chrome is the best

*soxuda    (2012-10-08 10:07:11)
How to open blocked sites ?

:  Hi everyone
I would like to share this program with you
~~I wasel~~
After trying this software i think that i have to share it .
I wasel allows you to open any blocked sites u can imagine.
It also changes your ip address free to choose between 6 servers.
It also unblock the Skype, Paltalk and everything.
You can use it on your cellphone.
I think you have to try it
Go download it now

*jubivi    (2012-10-14 21:49:43)
12 years ago

how to opne block sites

*jesevi    (2012-11-02 05:41:49)
12 years ago

how to unblock web site at school

*cisamu    (2012-12-01 11:42:24)
12 years ago

I encounter a strange problem with my Internet Explorer 7 under Vista OS. Some sites (in another country) are blocked and I find no way to open it. Is this a firewall problem, does IE7 have an option to be changed in order to see the pages or should I use another browser like Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome

*kabomo    (2012-12-04 03:53:03)
12 years ago

how can you unblocked facebook on the school laptops?

*tunezi    (2013-01-18 08:04:32)
How to open blocked sites ?

Help me to open blocked sites

*pinaji    (2013-02-03 16:45:34)
11 years ago

how to open blocked setes

santiago    (2013-04-02 11:49:54)
11 years ago

You can use proxy bypass sites for the opening Blocked site.


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*bekera    (2013-05-04 16:13:46)
11 years ago

how to open blocked sites?

*cacedu    (2013-05-16 09:06:43)
11 years ago

its all not working, its why, jabir

*rokino    (2013-06-22 08:51:17)
How to open blocked sites ?

how to open bliked site

*smantha_    (2013-07-01 10:38:54)
11 years ago

You can use the Tor Browser Bundle & Hotspot Shield to open the blocked site. There are many other service also to open & access the blocked site. For more information see the link below..

Google & bing translation service, Website to IP address, IP address to Decimal number, way back machine and many more


ozstylo    (2013-08-06 09:56:51)
11 years ago

you can use web freer or proxy websites to  open the blocked websites


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*kapopu    (2013-08-29 22:08:13)
11 years ago

how i can open porn hub websites

*gavuse    (2013-09-26 14:49:13)
11 years ago

I need to watch pron movies in uae. But all the sites are blocked

*sara    (2013-10-08 11:00:27)
How to open blocked sites ?

The best way to access blocked websites is to use a vpn service, is the best you can get,
1Month only $3.3 |3Months $7  12Months $16 |
It has totally FREE test account.

*denoce    (2013-10-11 22:47:56)
11 years ago this web si
te no open i am dubai how do you solve

*xupona    (2013-11-23 04:06:35)
11 years ago

am using waselpro.cpm , its realy cheap, fast. and safe .. am a subscrib in this service from 3 months ago and its really diffirent from other vpn services

jessy76    (2013-11-23 04:14:15)
11 years ago

I am using this VPN provider for a couple of months. The service unblocks Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, skype , whatsapp, viber, tango, HULU etc.
They have good speed, surfing web sites is working just fine,

*zekafe    (2013-12-18 16:04:24)
11 years ago

There are many VPN providers out there, I my self is using services,
-The price is really cheap, 1Month $3.3 , 2Months $5, 3 Months $7, 6 Months $10 and 12 Months $16
-Before you buy the account you can test the service  using free test account ht*p://
-You can use your account on 2 devices at the same time, Which is great.
- And the support, livechat, yahoo messanger , gtalk  and I should mention that the support is really friendly, And when I had problem setting my account on my new smart phone they helped me out, and they are online most of the time,
- instant activation, right after you make the payment , You will receive your account info via email.
All in all I think this is the best you can get.

Good luck

*xolizo    (2014-01-25 19:23:56)
How to open blocked sites ?

How to wach porn video

*cipeke    (2014-05-17 11:55:49)
10 years ago


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