How to make friends on the social media

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abrahambecham    (2010-07-13)


How to make friends on the social media

Hay there
as the time changes, it bring changes to your life.Because its meant to be.So tell me your experience as an individual, will you make a friend ion the friend on the social media or not???
please specify you answer with some reasoning.

(more options below)

*xusobo    (2010-07-20 02:10:43)
How to make friends on the social media

who needs such cyber friends when one have real friends?

abrahambecham    (2010-07-20 08:53:21)


14 years ago

I am talking about my own experience that all the real friends are not always be with you
at that time you need someone to share some thing with you
So I think at this time you need some cyber friends



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