How to code a BBcode function that imitates Bulletin Board forums, and that you can change according to your needs. Here is a script that may help you to start.
As a reminder, the aim is to process a text that has been processed already by the htmlspecialchars() PHP function to allow certain HTML functions [bold, font size, color, href, img, videos, smileys and so on...] while avoiding that the user can place HTML tags.
function bbcode($text)
// To keep the spaces
$text = str_replace(' ',' ', stripslashes($text));
// To jump a line
$text = preg_replace("#n#i", '<br>', $text);
// For pictures, one transform "http", this shouldn't be processed as a url
if (eregi('[ picture=', $text)) { $text = preg_replace("#[ picture=http://#i",'[ picture=', $text); }
// For videos, one transform "http", this shouldn't be processed as a url, it also transform a Youtube link to access directly to the video
if (eregi('[ video=', $text)) { $text = preg_replace("#[ video=http://#i",'[ video=', $text); $text = preg_replace("#[",'[', $text); }
// Smilies, an example
if (eregi('[ :', $text)) { if (eregi('[ :)]',$text)) $text = preg_replace("#[ :)]#i", '<img src="/images/smilies/smile.gif">', $text); }
// Email addresses
if (eregi('@', $text)) { $text = preg_replace("#([ n ])?([ a-z0-9-_.]+)@([ a-z0-9-_.]+)#i", '12(at)3', $text); }
return $text;
The first function imitates most of the main BBcode features, while the second removes BBcode tags to build e.g. RSS feeds.
This small script checks the number of opening and closing tags but may react strangely when you include some in some others. Here I replaced "[" by "[ " or [+space to avoid them to be processed by the forum. Of course you can replace "[ " by "[" to retrieve the original code.
You'll notice some tricks to process url with or without tag only once (here with the rel="nofollow" attribute that you may remove). Of course there are hundreds of ways to do it.
Some lines are just examples, you may add as many as smilies or colors as you like, this is only a script that can help you to start to code such a function.
To code a complete forum in PHP, see the next discussion
*_ (2009-08-21 14:49:32) Confused
How do you tell what BB codes to use =/
*31d042 (2010-02-09 00:29:36) 15 years ago
ceci est un test
hello... ezaezae
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