How to diagnose a multiple sclerosis

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*8450e4    (2009-12-30)
How to diagnose a multiple sclerosis

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible and how to diagnose myself a multiple sclerosis (MS) for another person. Of course I am not a medicine doctor, I read a discussion where someone who has this disease explains that his doctor was unable to diagnose it and obviously it took a long time, actually it would have taken several months, before that someone recommended to do a scanner and before to find the right specialist.

It seems to me that there are quite obvious symptoms but is it enough to diagnose a multiple sclerosis?  I would like to know which are the symptoms that avoid any doubt.

Also is it true that many people could have this disease without knowing?  In the case there is no obvious symptom, how can you know that you have a multiple sclerosis to treat it quickly?

Thank you.

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watson1    (2011-05-31 14:04:30)
13 years ago

There is no single test that is proof-positive for diagnosing multiple sclerosis. However, there are accepted criteria for making the diagnosis, but even this system is imperfect.

Since diagnosing MS can be very difficult, a neurologist who specializes in treating MS should evaluate your symptoms. As many as 10% of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis actually have some other condition that mimics MS. Examples of other conditions that masquerade as MS include inflammation in the blood vessels, multiple strokes, vitamin deficiency, lupus, or a brain infection. Sometimes stress-related disorders can lead to a misdiagnosis of MS.


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