How to delete a friend on Facebook?

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*0d4971    (2010-01-12)
How to delete a friend on Facebook?

Hello, does anyone know how to delete a friend on Facebook and how to know who deleted you from his friends list?  I just noticed that a friend of mine deleted me but I did not receive any email or notification.

Thanks a lot.

Also I would like to know if it is possible to see who visited my profile and when was the last time. Is it possible? I like Facebook but it is not always very clear in my opinion, maybe there are too many options.

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jamesbresnan    (2011-05-06 06:50:12)
13 years ago

yes ....juts go to the profile of that person and there at left side u will see the option 'unfriend' ..just click on it ....the person will be deleted ..



ronhall    (2011-12-23 17:22:50)


13 years ago

go to Account in the right corner of your profile... click edit friends and just cross the friend you want to delete...


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