How to create a page on Facebook ?

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*tuy    (2009-07-13)
How to create a page on Facebook ?

Hello everyone.

I use Facebook for a few days and I saw that my friends created pages on artists and other topics that appear on the right of my home page. Does anyone know how can I create such a page on Facebook ?  Also how many pages can I create ?


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¿Cómo crear una página en Facebook?    (es)
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Facebookのページを作成する方法か。    (ja)
Facebook에 페이지를 창조하는 방법?    (ko)
Hoe te om een pagina op Facebook te creëren?    (nl)
Como criar uma página em Facebook?    (pt)
Как создать страницу на Facebook?    (ru)
Hur man skapar en sida på Facebook?    (sv)
如何创造页在Facebook ?    (zh)

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