How to check Alexa rank in PHP

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*xelitu    (2010-04-25)
How to check Alexa rank in PHP


Here is a small script that will let you check the Alexa rank for any website from your server (PHP needed), is only an example, you can change it as you wish of course.

$url = '';
$alexa = ''.$url;
$data = file_get_contents($alexa);

$start = strpos($data, '<div class="data up">')+119;
$stop = strpos($data,'<div class="label">Alexa Traffic Rank');
$rank = substr($data,$start,$stop-$start);

Quite easy, isn't it?

I hope it will help.

(more options below)

bradleyscott    (2010-09-24 09:26:26)
How to check Alexa rank in PHP

Alexa provides this information in many useful formats, including XML. Using the XML provided by Alexa, we can gain access to Alexa information within our pages. I've created a PHP class to make fetching Alexa data free, quick, and easy. The class comes in a PHP4 version and a PHP5 version.
The Code - PHP4 Version

/* the alexa rank class */
class alexa
/* initial vars */
var $xml;
var $values;
var $alexa_address;

/* the constructor */
function alexa($alexa_address,$domain)
$this->alexa_address = $alexa_address;
$this->xml = $this->get_data($domain);

/* gets the xml data from Alexa */
function get_data($domain)
$url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain;
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
return $xml;

/* set values in the XML that we want */
function set()
$this->values['rank'] = (preg_match('/POPULARITY URL="[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\/]{1,}" TEXT="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
$this->values['reach'] = (preg_match('/REACH RANK="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
$this->values['linksin'] = (preg_match('/LINKSIN NUM="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);

/* returns the requested value */
function get($value)
return (isset($this->values[$value]) ? $this->values[$value] : '"'.$value.'" does not exist.');

Copy this code to the clipboard
1/* the alexa rank class */
2class alexa
4 /* initial vars */
5 var $xml;
6 var $values;
7 var $alexa_address;
9 /* the constructor */
10 function alexa($alexa_address,$domain)
11 {
12 $this->alexa_address = $alexa_address;
13 $this->xml = $this->get_data($domain);
14 $this->set();
15 }
17 /* gets the xml data from Alexa */
18 function get_data($domain)
19 {
20 $url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain;
21 $xml = file_get_contents($url);
22 return $xml;
23 }
25 /* set values in the XML that we want */
26 function set()
27 {
28 $this->values['rank'] = (preg_match('/POPULARITY URL="[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\/]{1,}" TEXT="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
29 $this->values['reach'] = (preg_match('/REACH RANK="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
30 $this->values['linksin'] = (preg_match('/LINKSIN NUM="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
31 }
33 /* returns the requested value */
34 function get($value)
35 {
36 return (isset($this->values[$value]) ? $this->values[$value] : '"'.$value.'" does not exist.');
37 }


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