How to change text to speech?

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*2dac6f    (2010-02-09)
How to change text to speech?

Hello, does anyone know an online free text to speech service that could change a simple english text to a WAV or MP3 file? I would like to use it to make several small files with a few words only.

I saw such a website in the past, that was able to create WAV files from a text told by several voices, men or women, with a great sound quality but I cannot find this site anymore.

Thanks for your help.

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*nocufe    (2010-08-02 09:25:00)
14 years ago

You can use the free software from ht*p:// to convert text to mp3 or wav files. If you run the software on Windows 7 or vista, the text will be read by the voice of Microsoft Anna, which is much  clearer than the voice of Microsoft Sam, the default text to speech voice on Window XP.

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