How to Create an Online Magazine?

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merrychen    (2012-10-17)
How to Create an Online Magazine?

In recent times, there have been more and more online magazines that seem to be quite the rage, while still new paper magazines continue to pop up. Despite the fact that paper magazines remained it was an online magazine who stole the show. Some companies even provide lots resources of learning, provides access to a big amount of books and magazines online which can be as a fringe benefit. Surely, an online magazine would be a great business by itself if you could do that. Alternatively, investors can consider investing in creating online magazine to promote your related business ideas, services and products, and facts proved that it would be an excellent idea.

Actually some very top companies even smaller corporations have already started to offer their subscribers their magazines in electronic format. Specially those are usually tech savvy and demanding of information. By doing this, it can also cut down on shipment times and delays in valuable information to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. However, online magazines are not just limited to the big guys. With a little exercise of the imagination and practical tool like page flip software, you can create an online magazine of your own.

1. Determine the basics of the magazine: title, topics and approximate length. Then you may need to choose the type of online presentation you want to have. The new "flip technology" is enjoying high favour among the companies now. Online readers can have access to get more of the magazine-feel when reading your publication.

2. Simply set up your website to fit your desired presentation choice. Generally, if you want to get the simple and easy format, go for a free blog site such as while you're getting started and avoid any cost. Although this is a good method for some beginners, the application is clearly limited. Or if you want something more complex, you'll need to have your own website server space, and you'll need to purchase the software to create the magazine layout with flipping effect.

3. It would be simpler if you just have some PDF files, swf files or image. One simple yet practical digital magazine software would be your good helper. Simply install and run the software, then follow its demo that has described the steps in details.

4. Most importantly, the software allows you to select your desired output template which the software has provided the options for you. You can publish the output files as HTML. XML, and SWF files for various purpose.

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