How to Create a Flip Book to You

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merrychen    (2012-10-25)
How to Create a Flip Book to You

It is common that we usually have a consensus to move forward with some aspects of several of the visual styles by the end of this presentation. Then making flipping pages is regularly done on some occasions for reason of a simpler presentation. It is tempting to think that this de facto flipping book is a strong indication of making the entire presentation lively and imaginal, and carries a sense of reality. And if you happen to have a presentation to make or would like to create an online magazine, in order to make your language vivid, imagery and moving, so that you can express yourself clearly, accurately, persuasively and forcefully, Here we provide an effective way to get it beatifide by making your pages live is to flip them.

When we hear the word “flip book”, we naturally think of Flash player on which we view our flash page flips freely. Don’t recommend the software to those who are more experienced than you are. If you want your business with pages to be more hilarious, also let your website visitors have access to turn the pages on the screen, resembling lifting the pages of an actual printed book, undoubtedly, displaying catalogs and online books is the most economical and convenient way you should choose. Afterward it will be plain that the first condition for accomplishing this is to create your own flipping page, and that this in turn demands special conversion software like Flip Page Software to make a flip book.

1. There is endless information readily available through search engines for you to select a flip book software program according to your individual requirements. In general, there are both online and offline versions on the Internet. You can free download the software to your computer (offline versions) or load it in your browser (online versions). Here we merely choose xFlip Flip Magazine Software to accomplish creating PDF-based digital magazine.

2. Install and run the software. Upload your PDF file to the software and hit the button to “Publish” or similar. The program will automatically save each PDF file as a SWF (Flash) file and combine them into one HTML document. More to the point, the powerful software also allows to convert SWF files, image files etc. to flipping page.

3. Next you should load the HTML document in your browser to test the flipping book. Specifically, you can upload to your web server the HTML document or any output directory that you have saved on your computer. Simply linking to the HTML page on your website allows visitors to view the flip book with ease.

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