HTML color names

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moderator    (2009-01-28)


HTML color names

Here is the complete list of HTML color names supported by the major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) :

AliceBlue  #F0F8FF
AntiqueWhite  #FAEBD7
Aqua  #00FFFF
Aquamarine  #7FFFD4
Azure  #F0FFFF
Beige  #F5F5DC
Bisque  #FFE4C4
Black  #000000
BlanchedAlmond  #FFEBCD
Blue  #0000FF
BlueViolet  #8A2BE2
Brown  #A52A2A
BurlyWood  #DEB887
CadetBlue  #5F9EA0
Chartreuse  #7FFF00
Chocolate  #D2691E
Coral  #FF7F50
CornflowerBlue  #6495ED
Cornsilk  #FFF8DC
Crimson  #DC143C
Cyan  #00FFFF
DarkBlue  #00008B
DarkCyan  #008B8B
DarkGoldenRod  #B8860B
DarkGray  #A9A9A9
DarkGreen  #006400
DarkKhaki  #BDB76B
DarkMagenta  #8B008B
DarkOliveGreen  #556B2F
Darkorange  #FF8C00
DarkOrchid  #9932CC
DarkRed  #8B0000
DarkSalmon  #E9967A
DarkSeaGreen  #8FBC8F
DarkSlateBlue  #483D8B
DarkSlateGray  #2F4F4F
DarkTurquoise  #00CED1
DarkViolet  #9400D3
DeepPink  #FF1493
DeepSkyBlue  #00BFFF
DimGray  #696969
DodgerBlue  #1E90FF
FireBrick  #B22222
FloralWhite  #FFFAF0
ForestGreen  #228B22
Fuchsia  #FF00FF
Gainsboro  #DCDCDC
GhostWhite  #F8F8FF
Gold  #FFD700
GoldenRod  #DAA520
Gray  #808080
Green  #008000
GreenYellow  #ADFF2F
HoneyDew  #F0FFF0
HotPink  #FF69B4
IndianRed  #CD5C5C
Indigo  #4B0082
Ivory  #FFFFF0
Khaki  #F0E68C
Lavender  #E6E6FA
LavenderBlush  #FFF0F5
LawnGreen  #7CFC00
LemonChiffon  #FFFACD
LightBlue  #ADD8E6
LightCoral  #F08080
LightCyan  #E0FFFF
LightGoldenRodYellow  #FAFAD2
LightGrey  #D3D3D3
LightGreen  #90EE90
LightPink  #FFB6C1
LightSalmon  #FFA07A
LightSeaGreen  #20B2AA
LightSkyBlue  #87CEFA
LightSlateGray  #778899
LightSteelBlue  #B0C4DE
LightYellow  #FFFFE0
Lime  #00FF00
LimeGreen  #32CD32
Linen  #FAF0E6
Magenta  #FF00FF
Maroon  #800000
MediumAquaMarine  #66CDAA
MediumBlue  #0000CD
MediumOrchid  #BA55D3
MediumPurple  #9370D8
MediumSeaGreen  #3CB371
MediumSlateBlue  #7B68EE
MediumSpringGreen  #00FA9A
MediumTurquoise  #48D1CC
MediumVioletRed  #C71585
MidnightBlue  #191970
MintCream  #F5FFFA
MistyRose  #FFE4E1
Moccasin  #FFE4B5
NavajoWhite  #FFDEAD
Navy  #000080
OldLace  #FDF5E6
Olive  #808000
OliveDrab  #6B8E23
Orange  #FFA500
OrangeRed  #FF4500
Orchid  #DA70D6
PaleGoldenRod  #EEE8AA
PaleGreen  #98FB98
PaleTurquoise  #AFEEEE
PaleVioletRed  #D87093
PapayaWhip  #FFEFD5
PeachPuff  #FFDAB9
Peru  #CD853F
Pink  #FFC0CB
Plum  #DDA0DD
PowderBlue  #B0E0E6
Purple  #800080
Red  #FF0000
RosyBrown  #BC8F8F
RoyalBlue  #4169E1
SaddleBrown  #8B4513
Salmon  #FA8072
SandyBrown  #F4A460
SeaGreen  #2E8B57
SeaShell  #FFF5EE
Sienna  #A0522D
Silver  #C0C0C0
SkyBlue  #87CEEB
SlateBlue  #6A5ACD
SlateGray  #708090
SpringGreen  #00FF7F
SteelBlue  #4682B4
Tan  #D2B48C
Teal  #008080
Thistle  #D8BFD8
Tomato  #FF6347
Turquoise  #40E0D0
Violet  #EE82EE
Wheat  #F5DEB3
White  #FFFFFF
WhiteSmoke  #F5F5F5
Yellow  #FFFF00
YellowGreen  #9ACD32

(more options below)

maradona    (2010-02-03 15:09:08)
HTML color names

Color Codes in HTML

sharonswan    (2010-11-11 20:18:33)
14 years ago

I am using a freeware software pickpic to take required html color.


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jameswright    (2011-10-11 19:18:24)
13 years ago

We should prefer codes instead color names because old browsers do not recognize them.


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