Google vs. Yahoo

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moderator    (2009-03-18)


Google vs. Yahoo

According to comScore, Google would progress once again in february 2009 in USA, with about 63.3% of all queries against 20.6% for Yahoo, 8.2% for Live search (Microsoft), 4.1% for Ask and 3.9% for AOL.

Strangely, in France Google would reach more than 91% !!! Yahoo, Microsoft & particularly french search engines (Orange, Free) are almost negligible in France, but what is the real reason ?  Less ads ?  Anyway it may become a real problem, like every monopol.

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healthtourism    (2011-04-23 11:30:32)
Google vs. Yahoo

Google is dominant force in whole universe.



brianwilson    (2011-11-18 15:56:34)
13 years ago

Google is the best of all time, there is no way that Yahoo can beat Google.


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shanemurry    (2011-12-01 18:28:58)
13 years ago

Google is the best of best and unbeatable and more powerful search engine than others.


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tomharry    (2011-12-05 17:12:24)
13 years ago

Google is the best of best and king of all search engines and unbeatable.


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savable    (2011-12-19 17:20:50)


13 years ago

Google is a market leader in Search engine internet world and also it was the brand of the year in 2010 but Apple took that position latter.


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georgeblake    (2011-12-26 16:33:30)
Google vs. Yahoo

Google is the much better than yahoo because it has the largest database and gives accurate results for everything.


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billykane1    (2011-12-28 21:16:38)
13 years ago

Google is the best search engine of all time and unbeatable.


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azam    (2012-01-11 12:02:09)
13 years ago

50% of people use google as a search engine. the other 50% use to check it if their internet in connected or not.

jimanderson1    (2012-01-13 22:07:35)
13 years ago

Well, according to me Google is always the best search engine among all and unbeatable.


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mikebelly    (2012-02-07 21:14:22)
13 years ago

Google is the best search engine of all time and unbeatable because it has the largest database and gives accurate results.


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pokal    (2012-02-21 07:49:53)
Google vs. Yahoo

Google is much better then yahoo.....

pokal    (2012-02-22 07:51:59)
13 years ago

Google is the best of best and unbeatable ........

*zedupo    (2012-02-28 08:29:33)
13 years ago

Google is very awesome dude..............

pokal    (2012-03-01 10:38:34)
13 years ago

Google is the best search engine................


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stevehill1    (2012-04-30 20:11:04)
12 years ago

Google is the best and unbeatable i love to use it..


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jimwatson1    (2012-05-09 16:58:47)
Google vs. Yahoo

No doubt Google is the best of best and unbeatable because it has the largest database and gives accurate results for anything..


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andrewpepin    (2012-05-22 19:36:07)
12 years ago

No doubt Google is the best and most used search engine of all time and my most favorite.


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anguscary    (2012-08-31 11:43:19)
12 years ago

Google is best search engine than Yahoo search.



patcrawford    (2012-09-17 17:14:19)
12 years ago

As far as Google vs Yahoo is concerned, definitely Google is the search giant on internet. And even I use Google for most of my searches.

And Yahoo! (which is quite popular as well undoubtedly) is my second choice.


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shanewarne    (2012-11-20 09:53:41)
12 years ago

Both are good search engines. But Google in undoubtedly the search giant. Many people prefer google for their searches. So, I guess right now it is the number 1 search engine.


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jasumin    (2012-12-11 13:36:09)
Google vs. Yahoo

Google is progressive search engine because people trust on it. and feel that if Google is not provide me that option so no one can. Main thing which is very important that Google is always opened its search page according to the country.

clydegrant    (2012-12-18 08:05:12)
12 years ago

Google is become more and more important as well as more reliable to others. Yahoo is also more advanced and also more improved search engine as compared to Google. But still Google is not decreasing famous and popularity.


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spotlessch    (2012-12-18 13:23:56)
12 years ago

Google is the all time best search in this current rating. It provides quality searches and also working to throw the unhealthy and irrelevant stuff from the search engine.


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coloradobase    (2012-12-21 07:14:54)
12 years ago

Google is become is very famous and also very brilliant in providing results. Google is flexible and also very keen to provide according to the instructions.

inspectrhome    (2012-12-24 12:28:54)
12 years ago

Google is become very famous and it has large number of users. Most of users are very likely to open Google then they move on to the other website.
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ilmkidunya    (2013-03-13 07:33:07)
Google vs. Yahoo

Google has 1.2 trillion Searches in 2012 in 146 Languages... source


verdunscott    (2013-03-17 22:43:13)
11 years ago

My vote goes to google! The best search engine today.

No doubt, even yahoo is not a bad option either, but today it is definitely google which is at the top position.

As a secondary preference, one can use yahoo and bing which are nicer options as well.


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harrycave    (2013-04-25 00:53:10)
11 years ago

As far as Google Vs Yahoo is concerned, I think there's no doubt that google is better.

And what are the latest statistics btw?


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louvincent    (2013-04-27 03:26:11)
11 years ago

Though you've mentioned here 2009 results, but that percentage for google was quite great. What about 2003 statistics?


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jamiehow    (2013-05-10 04:44:45)
11 years ago

I believe Google is definitely more popular and more widely used than yahoo. Yahoo! is also good, but when it comes to searching online, google comes as a primary preference for many all over the world.


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ozstylo    (2013-08-01 08:44:32)
Google vs. Yahoo

yes because google becomes the most populer search engine in the world


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