Google result - ignoring index page

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*8b7c98    (2009-04-07)
Google result - ignoring index page


My site was doing very well in google for some keywords like antique furniture, english anitque furniture, period furniture as we doing off site optimisation. Then we did SEO of site and target more keywords including the above keywords. Then ranking went down. We thought after crawling ranking will be good. Site came up for while, but it started dropping again.  Then we change it from to But still ranking is not that good.

For few keywords, we have rankings but it don't show home page or category pages, but it show product pages of site. What can be reason?


Is there technical part not allowing google to show index page of site or some SEO reason

why is this so? please help me to sort this issue

Kind Regards,

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*seoseo    (2009-04-07 16:38:04)
Google results


You should have a look at SEO tips, first of all there are too many links on your home page !  Then you should have much more text with verbs, more than words separated by a coma or so... Google does not like this.


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