Google and Yahoo

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*ads-kit    (2008-11-04)
Google and Yahoo

Hello all,

What do you think of this partnership between Google and Yahoo ?  Seems very bad for all webmasters, don't you think ?

(more options below)

*romofe    (2010-06-05 19:18:27)
Google and Yahoo

What partnership are you talking about?

cruz55    (2011-02-22 08:51:31)
14 years ago

Your comment is really too awesome.
seo services

healthtourism    (2011-04-16 17:34:01)
13 years ago

It will good i think, one search engine life easy :D

benjamins    (2011-05-03 09:18:26)
13 years ago

i dont think that there is any partnership between google and yahoo......


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