Google PageRank

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baconailen    (2012-04-11)
Google PageRank

If I switch from frontpage to wordpress will I lose my google pagerank?

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neilwoodman    (2012-04-23 12:35:47)
Google PageRank

PageRankTM (PR)

is a numeric value that represents how important a website is online. Google becomes the idea that when a web site places a link (link) to another, is in fact a vote for the latter.

The more votes has a page will be considered more important by Google. Moreover, the importance of the page that casts the vote also determines the weight of this vote. In this way, Google calculates the importance of a page thanks to the votes received, taking into account the importance of each page that casts the vote.


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*cumela    (2012-10-21 18:51:54)
12 years ago

nope, no problem with such a change!

mecheslav    (2013-01-03 08:38:53)
12 years ago

Yes You can loss. Page Rank Checker is a completely free service to check Google pagerank
instantly using our online page rank check tool or a small pagerank button.


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santiago    (2013-04-04 12:14:34)
11 years ago

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm, named after Larry Page[1] and used by the Google web search engine, that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references.


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ozstylo    (2013-07-24 13:15:58)
11 years ago

nops it will not getting loss your page rank


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