Google -30 penalty

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tdv    (2006-12-21)
Google -30 penalty

The -30 filter is applied to web sites that use spamming SEO techniques. If Google applies the penalty to a web site, the rankings of that site are downgraded by 30 positions.

It seems that the following techniques trigger the -30 filter on Google:

Guestbook spamming

If you try to get inbound links by spamming guestbooks and blogs then Google might apply the filter to your web site.

JavaScript redirects

JavaScript redirections might be misinterpreted as a spamming attempt. Better use 301 htaccess redirect if you must redirect URLs on your pages.

Doorway pages

Google doesn't like doorway pages. If you must use special landing pages for PPC ads and other ads, make sure that these pages cannot be spidered by Google and other search engines. You can use robots.txt to do that.

See also

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