GoDiscussions.com to die?

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thibault    (2010-04-23)


GoDiscussions.com to die?

Quite incredible, I just read in the latest AGA (American Go Association) newsletter that GoDiscussions.com was kind of replaced by another forum (with much less features, I guess) named Lifein19x19.com

"GODISCUSSIONS USERS MOVE TO NEW FORUM : When the GoDiscussions users decided on Wednesday to move to the new Life in 19×19 Forums  Shodan Imports owner Chuck Thomas redirected all traffic from igodojo.org to Life in 19×19 Forums"

What happened to GoDiscussions ??  I experienced many problems as well during the last few months but this forum was great, it cannot be only a database problem... Does anyone have any information on all this?

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*mupiru    (2010-07-13 01:23:22)
GoDiscussions.com to die?

GoDiscussions is not dead!  The best Go forum on the internet.

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