Go ratings


Go ratings

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William Taylor    (2007-07-15)
Go ratings

At the moment only ELO ratings are shown beside players' names when viewing a go tournament. I would prefer dan/kyu rank to be shown than ELO rating (or both). Discuss.

Thibault de Vassal    (2007-07-15 19:33:36)
Go ratings

Hello William.

Yes, quite hard to find a design with enough place to display all informations :)

The main problem is it wouldn't be coherent with other games tournaments.

Don Groves    (2007-07-20 07:43:36)
Go ratings

Hi WIlliam -- To convert from ELO to dan/kyu simply compare the ELO rating to 2100. ELO 400 corresponds to 17 kyu; ELO 1100 corresponds to 10 kyu; ELO 2100 corresponds to 1 dan; ELO 2400 corresponds to 3 dan; etc.