Go Komi 75 advantage for BlackWhite


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Thibault de Vassal    (2011-10-11)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

A topic on the game of Go.

Someone suggested that the current FICGS Go champion should be able to decide the color of the 1st game (the WCH final match is played in 5 games) because the komi may be an advantage for White.

I'm not favourable to this idea because IMO the komi "may be" an advantage for White or Black according to the players level, and it should be about equal for top players (9p, theorically). Anyway, I guess that the champion has quite an advantage already by playing the final match only.

Any opinion on this?

Don Groves    (2011-10-12 01:05:09)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

+1 ;-)

Don Groves    (2011-10-12 05:51:16)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

I think we can assume the Go WCH will always be between high level players, no?

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-10-12 11:25:21)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

Sure, but the komi may have a different impact on 5 dan players than on 9p ones. Actually I have no idea, maybe the top players here have an opinion on this?

Don Groves    (2011-10-12 11:41:02)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

Why not leave the decision to the champion and let him/her choose? Then no one has to guess what their opinion might be. Seems a simple solution to me...

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-10-12 12:28:43)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

IMO the format shouldn't depend on a player's decision. And one never know what can happen, if the champion is unreachable during a while then the games could start late or a color should be chosen by default. Doesn't look great to me.

Don Groves    (2011-10-13 00:05:36)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

I surrender ;-)

Thibault de Vassal    (2011-10-14 20:56:07)
Go Komi 7.5, advantage for Black/White?

Let's just wait for more opinions on this...