Ghost Riddles

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andersnilson    (2011-04-02)
Ghost Riddles

Q: What does a ghost eat for dessert?
A: I scream. (Ice cream)

Q: Where does a ghost mail his letters?
A: At the ghost office. (Post office)

Q: What did the ghost mail home while on vacation?
A: Ghostcards. (Post cards)

Q: What amusement park ride does a ghost like best?
A: The roller ghoster. (Roller coaster)

Q: What do you say to a ghost with three heads?
A: Hello, hello, hello.

Q: What's the difference between a ghost and a butcher?
A: One stays awake and the other weighs a steak.

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sunilsamuel    (2011-10-11 04:45:04)
Ghost Riddles

nice..............i like it...funny thing about ghost..


Gilet pare balles

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