First kiss tips

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*1stkiss    (2009-02-03)
First kiss tips

How to kiss for the first time, how to give the first kiss ?  That's the real question for many young people.

Here are the definitive tips for a nice first kiss

- First, if you're nervous, why not to practice beforehand with your arm or something ?  You may improve your technique and more, your confidence.

- Always have lip stick or lip balm on hand if your lips get dry and chapped. Who wants to kiss someone with a stinky mouth ?  Just keep some gum or breath mints with you if you’re going to a date. Stay well hydrated, most often a dry mouth will smell worse. Make sure you don’t have anything stuck in your teeth.

- If the person you want to kiss enters your personal space with playful or makes innocent touches, this may be a good signal. Now you may try discreetly breaking the touch barrier (warning, many girls will not be receptive though) or bringing up kissing when you’re talking. Be subtle anyway, look at your partner's reaction.

- Be patient, especially for a first kiss, the mood must be right or everything could be wasted. Walking in the moonlight, a good romantic movie may be ok. An easy way to make sure that your partner is ok to kiss you is to ask, of course. "May I kiss you ?", "I would like to kiss you...". Many girls (guys also) prefer to be asked, but of course many don’t, that's the real problem so be confident enough to take a risk, always. That's the key. Stop whatever you’re doing, look into the person’s eyes, then you'll know if you can continue by observing him/her.

- Always approach slowly and smoothly, always maintain eye contact before your lips meet your partner's ones. There are many kinds of kisses, from soft pecks to passionate kisses, be patient, there’s a time and place for all of them, the first kiss should romantic & gentle. A soft, closed-mouth-to-closed-mouth kiss is perfect for a first experience.

- Men often think that kisses are always a prelude to something else, trying to quickly go towards a French kiss or more. That's a common mistake. The good kissers will concentrate on the kiss only, do not expect anything else in a first time.

- The other key is to let your partner participate in the kiss. Good kissing requires give-and-take, so you have to learn to read your partner’s body language. Be attentive to cues like sighs, moans, it will tell you if you’re following a right way or not. Just let your partner kiss you back, that's the main thing.

- Finally do not forget to breathe, particularly if your kiss lasts. Gasping is not romantic at all, so just take small breathes through your nose while you kiss.

- Finished ?  Don't forget to smile !

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*kennyj    (2011-04-12 21:00:18)
13 years ago

Experts reveal that most people can remember up to 90% of the details of their first romantic kiss so it's important for it to be hot.

Find out your chances of the first kiss being a relationship maker or breaker and what girls say makes a good kisser.  Check it out here

*paul    (2011-04-12 21:07:48)
13 years ago

It took me a while to get my kissing technique down when I started dating.

Girls don't like alot of tongue or sloppy, wet kisses.  That's a big turn off.

So much information is exchanged with a kiss. One kiss and everything can be completely off. It’s the ultimate litmus test.

This post has alot of great tips on kissing:

sunilsamuel    (2011-09-27 18:51:36)
13 years ago



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ronhall    (2011-11-30 15:15:14)


13 years ago

oh wow...

i like the article.


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