First Class Budget Hotels Kodaikanal

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hotelsunrise    (2012-07-30)
First Class Budget Hotels Kodaikanal

Hotel sunrise in Kodaikanal is a first class budget hotel. It offers comfortable rooms in the heart of Kodaikanal to make your trip a memorable one. This hotel offers various packages at affordable costs. It provides you a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.

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*codera    (2012-10-21 18:46:16)
First Class Budget Hotels Kodaikanal

what are the prices for this one?

*xemobo    (2012-10-22 06:53:20)
12 years ago

Economic Package - 8000(Two Nights and Three days)
Honey Moon Package - 10000 Rs (Two Nights and Three days)

More info : kodaihotelsunrise(dot)com

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