Fast Links

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adamfrancis    (2010-09-17)
Fast Links

Check this out... You need to list your company or the companies you are doing SEO work for here for a good backlink fast.

Google "archaire dallas" - directorycentral #1
Google "archaire dallas, ga" - directorycentral #1
Google "7705751429" - directorycentral #1
Google "770-575-1429" - directorycentral #1
Google "(770) 575-1429" - directorycentral #1

Then the kicker is check out when the company was added 9-1-10... it has been out on Google for 5 days, so took them 5 days to be listed.

Amazing way to get your do-follow link out there and listed in google quickly.

Enjoy... Adam Francis

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amit.verma    (2010-09-27 10:13:37)


Fast Links

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