Failed to receive email


Failed to receive email

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George Jempty    (2016-09-20)
Failed to receive email

I failed to receive an email for Sorbi's 25th move in the following game:

Thought I should report it in case it's an issue for anybody else

Thibault de Vassal    (2016-09-21 00:12:50)
Failed to receive email

Sometimes an email can reach its destination after a while... Feel free to tell if it finally arrives. Thanks!

Thibault de Vassal    (2016-09-21 01:55:00)
Failed to receive email

That's right... There's a new emails issue but I have no news from my server provider about this (which is unusual), I'll have to wait a few hours before to go further.

Peter W. Anderson    (2016-09-21 08:59:06)
Failed to receive email

It has been like this for quite a few days now.

I did report it in the chat window but (dare I say it?)someone deleted my post, presumably before you read it Thib. lol

Thibault de Vassal    (2016-09-23 01:30:22)
Failed to receive email

If everything goes right, it should be ok tomorrow evening... Hopefully.